If you’ve just started blogging, you may be excited with joining the blog world for the first time, but be careful not to get blog burnout.
The veteran bloggers know that sometimes writing content can be difficult, especially on a daily basis. You can get what is called blog burnout, so here are some tips to prevent that and keep you writing and making money with your chosen online business!
Why Did You Pick A Blog Platform…
Decide why you have chosen to create a blog.
Is your blog for personal reasons?
Is your blog going to share your favorite recipes with friends online?
Or maybe you are starting a blog to get some feedback about affiliate programs or even your own products?
Is blogging to practice your writing skills and just publish your work?
Is blogging to set up and let the world know how your dieting program is going?
After you decide what the purpose of your blog will be for, then you can get started easily.
If you decide to blog for personal reasons like in a diary format, it is important for you to decide on how much you want to reveal online before you start. There are many stay at home mom bloggers who blog about their family life but choose not to display pictures of their children, their names or ages. This is for safety precaution.
Do remember that your blog will be read by everyone so do be safe in your choices of what you upload on the internet.
There are now options on Blogger where you can have your blog set up by invite. This means that the blog is locked to everyone else except the readers you have allowed to have access, this is great if you are sharing personal information with friends and family from around the world.
If you stumble upon a blog like this, you will get the message that you need to gain permission from the owner because you are not allowed to view it. This could be an option for you if you want to protect yourself more.
Are You Blogging For Business Or Pleasure
If blogging is for business purposes such as your own product or services or maybe as an affiliate marketer, then you should really decide if you want to share some personal information so that your clients/customers can learn more about you. If you are strictly going to discuss business, you can decide what you want to focus on. Do you want to write and post about new products that you have or are going to market as an affiliate?
Do you want to write and post product reviews from customers on a daily basis? (good for credibility but make sure they are real)
Do you want to write about the locations your products are available at? You can even set up your blog with press releases that your business has received. There is no limit to your blog creativity.
How Often Are You Going To Post To Your Blog
Choose how often you want to blog (write articles) and if it’s on a daily basis, a very effective trick which will save you time is to draft up posts. If you find you have so many ideas, you can whip up a rough draft in no time. You can choose a certain day in the week to even write-up your posts for the week and upload each one daily.
To write-up a great post, make sure your title is catchy so that readers want to read the whole post. Make your posts engaging and invite your readers to subscribe to your blog. Have the subscription easily accessible to readers so they don’t have to look for it. The subscription buttons are usually placed at the very top of your blog for easy access.
Finding the purpose of your blog is key to figuring out what you will write about and to make a profit blogging. Once this is achieved and the more you write about your selected topic your writing will come easily.
If you are looking at starting a blog for solely business purposes and especially as an affiliate marketer then I am sure you have a truck load of questions that you would like to ask.
Enter you comments below and our team of affiliate marketers will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about getting into an online business and avoid the many pitfalls especially blog burnout.
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Hi John thanks for the post
The easiest way to keep focused is to have a few blogs on different topics so that you can write about something different each day of the week. You might want to check out our post on How To Start Blogging For Money
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