Having an emailing list for any online business is extremely important, if you had not considered this option before, then you had better take the time to start one today.
I am not saying that you search a free list of email addresses this is a list that you are going to build yourself and with all the right ingredients.
Businesses, both online and offline, strive to create these lists as well-built as possible.
The logic is simple:
The larger the lists, the better the odds are of numerous sales down the line with other services and products.
Planning An Effective Email Marketing Strategy
You wouldn’t run a marathon without preparing for the race by training. Similarly, you shouldn’t begin planning your email marketing strategy without setting goals. Before you begin creating goals, take a moment to reflect upon what makes a good goal. Good goals are SMART goals. Here’s what SMART stands for:
- Specific: Avoid creating vague goals. Be sure to include details around how you plan to reach your goal(s).
- Measurable: You should be able to measure your goals with specific numbers or checkpoints.
- Attainable: When creating your goal, consider the resources you have. You need to make sure your goal is attainable with your current budget, time and skillset.
- Realistic: Your goal should be challenging, but within reach. Review historical data or research industry benchmarks to determine what this means for you.
- Time-bound: Give yourself a date by which you want to complete your goal.
When you create any goal for your email marketing strategy, make sure it aligns with these five guidelines. Article Source: Business2Business Community.
Building an email list is not going to be an easy task, but once you get a grip on it, the dividends show up in your bank account. Building a great mailing list may take time but the wait and experienced gained are priceless.
Using Autoresponders
What it in reality takes is putting a workable system in play not just a form on your website or blog saying subscribe here you need an incentive. Some of the conventional methods are releasing a newsletter or e-zine, writing and distributing a free eBook, or joining a free viral program. For anyone who has not created a blog as yet, use this post to get started.
Many affiliates use viral tools to get more subscribers, but the information must be related, or it can have the opposite effect causing you to lose many possible customers.
Articles That Will Help Make You Smarter
- List Building For Bloggers
- Affiliate Email Marketing And How It All Works
- Email Marketing Tips On How To Grow Your Subscriber List
- Email Marketing How To Avoid Looking Like Spam
- Email Marketing Five Reasons You Should Be Using It As An Affiliate
- Email Marketing Getting The Most Benefit For Your Affiliate Business
It permits your message to be sent from one individual to the next, and this can add up to many affiliate sales and commission if done correctly. Joining an auto responder such as Aweber or Getresponse or group mailer will put you miles ahead of the opposition as well. Remember, to understand the game increases the chance of winning.
If you are not sure what it is I am speaking about here then it may be time to get back into a research mindset better still subscribe to our site and see how an email marketing campaign actually works.
Your inquiries should incorporate the different software packages that are available on the market that allow you to develop an email list. From there, you’ll be able to conceive marketing campaigns that will draw the customers in – and keep your subscribers coming back repeatedly to your site or blog. You can use a free e-book email campaign from either a resell rights vendor or write it yourself which will bring in excellent results.
Try And Have Giveaways For Subscribers
Having something like a free E-book you can give away when promoting your selected affiliate marketing program can get you some very good results, however it must be something that really is free that your subscribers actually want and can use.
What you are trying to achieve here is to fast track your online success in developing a large contact list and your credibility which can convert into dollars online with the right affiliate marketing program. Using this form of email marketing has the ability to draw in thousands of new subscribers every single week.
Should Be A Business Model
Keep in mind – your aim is to treat this as a total online business within itself – which, if it isn’t viewed in this way you should quit right now. You can not afford to have any mistakes here, the program you choose to manage your email lists must be a clear and concise program that includes both reliable product and the stepping-stones you need to get the message successfully to the consumer.
Once you have your subscriber list, it’s your responsibility as the business owner to make certain they remain loyal and willing to make repeat purchases. You need to get their trust by using your mailing list effectively. You need to know the business you are promoting inside and out – and make sure you send out informative and useful emails.
A word of warning when email marketing always give your customers a place so they can remove their name from your mailing lists or you could find yourself being accused of spam which will destroy all of your efforts.
Also stay away from people or businesses offering you a free list of email addresses this will have no benefit at all with the affiliate marketing program you are promoting.
How To Increase Your List Using Social Networks
One of the best things about social media is that it lets you reach new fans and audiences in a very public way. People can search for your topic or area of expertise and stumble upon your page at random or through a friend or family member referral.
But social media can get crowded. If you’re not investing in paid advertising, there’s a good chance your posts won’t get seen (let alone by the right people).
The good news? Engaging your audience is – all you have to do is add email to the mix!. Article Source: Aweber
Over the past year or so I’ve managed to grow my email list to a whopping 19 subscribers.
Wouldn’t mind seeing more articles about how to get that number up…
.-= Wess Stewart´s last blog ..Forcing Myself to Save Money =-.
Hi Wes
Over the next coming weeks I will be adding more content about how to generate leads and build your email lists so please make sure that you subscribe to our feed so you will know when I post them..
I know that having these lists works really well but I think what puts me off is the fact that I hate receiving this kind of mail myself. Even when I’ve clicked and subscribed for the emails, I still get annoyed when I receive them. I always find myself thinking ‘i must turn these off sometime’. I know they can help to make a lot of money but I just would prefer to do it a different way.
Yes Stacie you are right it can be very off putting to get on a list that is promising to teach you something or give you the information you are looking for only to find that you are bombarded with promotion after promotion. The best guy I have come across with regards to managing an effective email list is Ewen Chia with his Optin Profits.
Not only do I not have a list, I don’t even know where to begin. How does anyone with zero knowledge about internet marketing even begin to start?
Let’s see… there’s Carbon Copy Pro, Jamie Lewis, Jeff Paul, Jonathan Budd, etc., etc……. Everyone of them promise me the world. Blah, blah, blah. Someone show me how to do this.
Hi Hal…
This is a question that is asked every single day on our site… So what I will suggest to you is this.
Let us know if you already have a domain name and hosting, do not buy anything from anyone until you have some understanding and knowledge about what it is you want to achieve. Have you done any research at all in any market to see what you want to sell/promote? If so what is that market.
Lastly all the information on our affiliate blog is free for you to use and learn from so may I suggest that you start there and maybe even subscribe to our newsletter where you will get notified of any new posts we place on our site.
I’ve never been daring enough to take the step out to Affiliate Marketing though email lists. I’ve seen a lot of selling of email lists on websites such as forums and similar. I think Sweden (where I’m acting) is a bad country for email marketing because of the very suspecious people here.
Thanks for the tips anyway, it will come handy sometime 🙂
Hi Albin
Yes email marketing is only as good as the person writing the emails. If you are just sending promotional emails out which offer no value to your subscribers you list will have a very limited life cycle. However if you want to use your list to keep your subscribers informed and updated with quality information then you are going to be on the right track and over time as the trust builds with your subscribers you will be able to recommend products.
You notice how I said recommend, the worst thing you can do to your email list is try and sell, it is to aggressive and usually ends badly.
Ok, I too have little to 0 experience and I have looked at lots of stuff out there, Chia, Hardy, barrack etc, etc tons of them. I recently purchased a program, well it looked good, simple enough from one of these “Are you tired of all the Gurus telling you how you can make money only to be ripped off” YEAH, guess what got the program for 27 bucks then tons of other offers $1 to join him with this, 197 to do this and then at the end, I need to buy a $100 program to make his program work, Really. Look I know it takes work and time, no I do not expect to be making millions in months or a year, but I would like to make a little extra. But how do you do it, some say nope dont need a web site, others have to have a web site then pay this , pay this , pay for this to get traffic, its all pretty confusing some times ok 98% of the time.
Is there really any solid step by step information, that can guide a person that is not a bunch of hipe and where all I am doing is making someone else money while I am watching mine dissapear? I see lots of for only $197 well if I had an extra 197 I going to use it for something else not there program. I get tired of all the screen shots from their ClickBank and other accounts, oh some show you in real time..yeah I know a 15 year old kid that can do the same thing and make it look real. Look I don’t know how to blog do an e-zine or write articles so I guess lets same I am internet stupid in some ways.
I just want something legit, something I can follow and understand easily to try and get started in this.
There has to be someone or something out there that is from people who really, no really want to help. I don;t want the same ole ad, I was broke, down to my last dollar out of work but I did this and this and look at my house , my car, my boat. The worst of that is, the name might be different but the house, the car the boat all look the same.
So anyway is there truly something out there, that can work for a person with no experience that is
easy to understand and follow that will not cost them a large investment, that they can get started
doing with very small costs and I mean small? Or is most of what I see just what it is, a bunch f B.S.
I don’t want to go to another web site read the offer for 67 then a window when I say yeah right that pops up Ohh wait I’ll give you a discount to 27 dollars which of course lead you to another and another and another that asks you for more money because you also need this software, this book, this magic marketing and Internet wand and Presto you are gonna make 2 grand a day….thats after
spending like 5 grand just to get started.
Ok enough tell me whats out there that is legit and how to do it, I am sure I am not the only person out there that has the same issues, concerns and wants to be able to make some legit extra money doing this. Thank you
Hi Charles
It is very easy today to get caught up in all the hype with selling marketing products online. The sad fact is that nearly all of these are short term and in some cases can actually hurt your online business.
As an example I was reading a sales page just the other day that said this system will teach you how to rank in the top 10 of Google for keywords that people aren’t searching for yet, I had to wander whether or not I was going to be sent a crystal ball in the mail that would give me all those keywords, but people believe this stuff and buy the programs only to end up like you are right now “Disappointed”.
Charles there is really no quick fix to this when it comes to building a quality site, what I would recommend you do first is choose a subject then make sure you have offers that you can sell relating to that niche. You then need to start writing quality content for the site making sure you are addressing issues that people have in that niche, by doing this you are building up trust with your readers.
Once you start getting some traffic to the site you need to add a opt-in list so people can get even more information from you remembering at first you don’t want to be marking just providing quality content on the site and with-in your email list the sales will come later.
Another aspect you can take which works and does not cost any money is to get involved with Facebook & Twitter as well as making sure your sites feed is listed in Feedburner and FriendFeed so you can start getting some circulation online for your content.
These are just some steps you can take to get started that are not going to cost you a cent and are very effective. Also make sure you have a Google webmasters account and once you have all of this in place drop me a line and i will take you to the next step.
Hi there !
I want to say that I have never had an email form where my visitors can sign up. I have seen people to make huge money via thisemail lists on their websites. But I havent.. I even dont know where to start. Maybe getresponse.com?
In my country, where maybe 1 out of 100 people do affiliate marketing, its not popular with this method. But maybe I can start up the trend and make real money?
Anyway, thanks for writing such a good post. I will definetly try this out one day..
As Albin says I have never tried email-marketing. But my reason is more because I think as you say in your response that to make it work well you constantly need to send out useful information so the list keep trust in you. If you don’t the do not remember who you are and then just threat your mail as spam.
Just my thoughts.. and it seams like more job than webmarketing. I’m not that experienced so it might be lack of knowledge that make me believe so .. well I might try it someday.
Hi John
Yes you need to constantly feed your readers with new and helpful information. However I am not talking about sending out emails every day but slow and steady, I try to send out every four days with good solid information that my subscribers can use to grow their business.
You need to also stay focused with this, simply because it is all to easy when you have a big list to constantly send out nothing more than promotional emails that will eventually annoy your subscribers who will then start to unsubscribe.
Finally! A blog worth reading! I bookmarked your blog!
I have the hunch that an email marketing method works best together with a blog, therefore you can use the information you are posting on the blog and send it as an email, with the appropriate modifications, of course. Otherwise emails tend to be annoying and they will be considered spam. I remember the days before social media, we used emails for the same reasons we use social media message boards and walls today, and emails have become the specific purpose information-sharing platform in the minds of average users. Some people even forget checking their mailboxes because their need for information is satisfied within the social media.
Thanks for the advice you have given us! Leonard
Great article. But what are is the average CTR in email marketing and further on conversion rate when the potential customer reaches the site where the transcation should take place. You got a fair point. You need scale. Lots of mail addresses 😉
I am glad you reposted this article as I had not seen it before. I have not started to work on an email list so far as my site is really new. The promotional ideas you mention seem quite sound, especially the giveaways. I have been reluctant regarding an email list because of the amount of spam I receive from established marketers… I sure do not want to be sending stuff that people resent. Your post from today is really helpful to me. so I am tempted to look around your site and check out your promoted items. I think that email list promotion has to geared to good and helpful comment to build and keep a list.
Thanks again..!