Email marketing is a term that refers to virtually any type of advertising that takes place via email. If your business isn’t taking part in this type of marketing yet, then check out the five points below. They are the key reasons as to why you should try it out.
Email Marketing Is Not Expensive
Most people would say that email marketing is cheap, but that implies that it is of little quality and in this case it’s quite the opposite. Email marketing is a valuable and high quality technique for reaching people with your company’s message but doesn’t have to cost a lot.
While large companies collectively spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year on their email marketing, small businesses can do it for virtually nothing.
By following simple instructions and bypassing the hiring of graphic designers, existing clients can be updated to sales and promotions with messages that you create yourself.
Email Marketing Is Very Targeted
This is one of the best forms of targeted marketing that there are. By collecting a database of email addresses of clients that have already dealt with you and your business, you know that your emails will be reaching people who will actually need the product or service you are selling. There are of course other ways to build a targeted email list as well.
One way is to simply latch on to a non competing company’s campaign by adding a banner ad or something similar to their email newsletters. This popular technique is a great way to target your demographic by taking advantage of another company who is already reached that same demographic.
The Results For Email Marketing Are Clear And Easy To Track
The results of an email marketing campaign aren’t hard to find or difficult to understand. Marketing software allows you to see not only how many people are receiving the emails you are sending out, but also how many people are responding to it and how.
The data that can be received from email marketing software includes everything from how many times one of your messages has been opened to how many times someone has clicked on an embedded link and made a purchase. That alone makes this form of marketing highly appealing.
Email Marketing Campaigns Can Be Easy To Create
Ideally you can use a marketing firm of an independent designer to create your emails, but that isn’t necessary in most circumstances. First of all, there are all kinds of software applications that will help you design basic newsletters, if that’s the type of marketing you are thinking of getting into.
Chances are you already own software that can help you along. Secondly, there is a lot of evidence to show that even a simple text based email can generate a lot of good results.
Recipients Can Easily Create Word Of Mouth Advertising For Your Business
Word of mouth advertising has always been seen as one of the best forms of advertising around. With email marketing, the people receiving your message can spread the word with a click of a button. It’s already a common practice for people to email good deals to their friends, and the better the deal the more it will be passed around.
You might want to check out the List Building For Bloggers with email marketing.
Nice post.
I always tried to build my email list just for trying out Affiliate marketing.
Great post. 🙂