Clearly, the impact of online social media has been phenomenal, especially for business. Social interactive media is here to stay and businesses that tap into it can expect to record improved performance and better results. The converse holds true. The facts and statistics have spoken.
Archives for 2010
Are You Using Facebook For Business
Facebook offers an excellent forum for any business to engage and interact with its clientele directly. This in itself serves to enhance a business's public profile and is fertile ground for the generation of new business ideas.
Facebook Mobile Will Cellular Phone Companies Cash In
Through marketing and just plain demand, Facebook finds itself available to people not just through their home computer and the internet, but from cellular phone companies as well.
The Facebook Pop Culture
As Facebook becomes more mainstream in society not just to every day people but online marketers and even big business, there will be more and more references to it.
Dangers Of Sharing Information On Social Networking Sites
Personal privacy is becoming a thing of the past and voyeurism is starting to be a more acceptable means for people. With Facebook and Twitter accounts allowing people to post their every movement.
How To Block Spam Without Using Akismet
I do not know how you handle comment spam but once I make the decision not to allow the comment I delete it, so for me the option to recover the comment and remove it from the Akismet spam filter has already passed.
Facebook Applications And Marketing
From the moment a person signs into Facebook, they see the Facebook marketing at work. As they continue through the social networking site with whatever they may be doing the ads continue to surface throughout.
Facebook Marketing Understanding Its Potential
Facebook started originally as a photo sharing website where the students of Harvard University could see the profile pictures of people in the school and comment on them. Since the school did not have anything like this before, it had 450 visitors and over twenty thousand picture views within the first few hours.
Can President Obama Shut Down The Internet For Four Months
Senator Joe Lieberman has pushed hard to get this, which means that the federal government will have absolute power to close down networks for a period of four months. It will even have the authority to stop traffic coming in from many other countries if a National Emergency is declared.
How To Get Twitter Feed To Work With FeedBurner
As an affiliate marketer one tool you need is Twitter Feed, however over the last two months I noticed that my twitter account was not being updated when I posted on any of my blogs or even when my visitors were commenting…
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