After a full day of trying to get my Twitter Feed to work with Feedburner I nearly gave up…
As an affiliate marketer one tool you need is Twitter Feed, however over the last two months I noticed that my twitter account was not being updated when I posted on any of my blogs or even when my visitors were commenting…
Has Your Feedburner Account Stopped Updating On Twitter Feed?
I first noticed this around the middle of April 2010 where none of my twitter feeds were being updated into twitter from Feedburner.
I was not really worried simply because Feedburner can be very buggy at the best of times and simply assumed that it would correct its self over time…
However it didn’t the situation actually got worse with many other services I use reporting feed errors due to the date not being displayed in the post…
I tried many different things which simply lead to complete frustration, especially when reading the many post and forums that were supposed to help me solve the problem which they did not…
Luckily though I have learned to be very persistent with anything involving the internet so I keep looking…
This Twitter Feed Problem Was Not Going To Beat Me!
I was typing into the search engines anything to do with feeds and Twitter feed to see if I could find the solution but nothing just a lot of people claiming to have the answer with a link to their websites saying nothing…
It was getting frustrating and I was thinking do I really need these accounts anyway?
Then I typed in “How To Create A RSS 2.0 feed” and stumbled upon that fact that your site can have to types of feeds. The one I was using for this site ended with this /feed/rss/ which had become the problem with all of my services not just Twitter Feed.
Using this configuration in my Feedburner account was not displaying the date on the site feed so many of the services just started returning a parse error because they didn’t know the post order…
So How Did I Fix My Twitter Feed?
And you are really going to laugh about this when you see how easy it was to fix. You simply need to change your feed if it is configured like mine above to this /feed/atom/ and all my problems with parsing and dates disappeared straight away.
Before doing this make sure you have gone into your WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Writing and you find where you can select “Enable the Atom Publishing Protocol“
I am not sure if this is going to help everybody to fix any errors that they experience with Feedburner feeds and any third party sites that use that feed but it was what solved my problem for me…
And you only need to change the feed in your Feedburner account not the feeds that you have listed all over the internet. Feedburner will update everything accordingly so it is really a very fast fix.
So if your Feedburner account is not updating your Twitter account or you are receiving errors in some of your other accounts this might just be the solution.
More Articles To Help You Master Twitter
Maybe you have experienced other problems with Twitter feed that have not been mentioned and would like to add your own work around to help others online, if so please make sure you place your comments below.
Gail says
Many things are very easy to fix once you know what the fix is. 🙂
Too bad that those who figure out what to do are so rarely appreciated by the pour souls that spend hours finding the solution and then were among those most rare of people – they actually spend their precious time writing up how to do it and saving countless untold hours for others.
Thank you SO MUCH for figuring this out. I’m sending the link to Derek to make sure all of our feeds are working correctly with TwitterFeed.
Katy says
Well, I appreciate your taking the time to anwser to me.
I’d like to know how can I do a differente RSS Feed like this url –> <-- Thank you for helping me.
AffiliateX says
Hi Katy…
I have checked your RSS Feed here W3C Feed Validator and it appears to be valid. For me I would simply place this into a service such as Feedburner and then use the feed that has been generated by that service in the Twitterfeed account.
Election of ideas says
That fixed it for me. You saved me from a lot of headaches and trouble.
Many thanks!
AffiliateX says
Glad I could help!
Enstine Muki says
I have been using TwitterFeed for years now and it has never failed. I think it’s a great success for the developers