It is a fact today that many online bloggers seem to think it is very simple to make money with your blog, and just in case you haven’t noticed just about everyone has a blog these days for this very reason.
And you would be right to be thinking that there are some bloggers that are actually making a regular income from blogging.
If you are setting up a blog for long term profits because your intention is that you’re going to be blogging for quite some time, and you want to attract more readers, it’s important to know how to make money with your blog the right way and with chasing your blog visitors away while trying to accomplish this.
Easy To Implement Suggestions To Make Money With Your Blog.
Before you even think about getting your first blog published online, you are going to need to find out more about some blogging sites that people are familiar with.
Resources such as and WordPress are great for first-time bloggers, with WordPress the platform of choice for many affiliate marketers today and there are many experienced writers that use these services as well.
These sites will give you step-by-step instructions on how to set up a blog for the first time, and you also have the option of selecting some attractive templates/themes that will help make the words you’re writing jump off the page as well as some very powerful WP Plugins that will help with SEO.
You need this to happen so that your blog readers will continue coming back to see what else you have to say about your selected niche, and so you can make money with your blog.
Another Way To Make Money With Your Blog Is Text Links And Banner Ads
You can also make money with your blog by advertising as much as you can. When saying this however, some do this and fail badly simply by using every spare space on their blog to place banner ads or Adsense advertisements. This will not work so forget about it….
You need to be strategically placing your ads on your blog and even using the text of your posts to place affiliate links so that they mix in and blend with your content and make sure the advertisement is also relevant to what it is you are discussing on your post.
Building Links To Your Blog Will Build More Credibility With Your Visitors And The Search Engines
To make money with your blog you are going to have to do some marketing by getting links form other relevant sites or even using article marketing to promote what you are offering, word of mouth is also one of the best ways to start the advertising process. However, you should definitely send out some friendly emails to all the people on your contact list to announce the publishing of your new blog.
Ensuring that you give some information about what the blog will be about, and include a link to the blog so that readers can get a preview of what you’ll be writing about in the future. If you are into Facebook or Myspace and even Twitter you can also post a link to your blog on your status page, so that all the people connected to you will be able to click on the link and go directly to your blog site.
You Need To Understand What Advertising Is Available When You Want To Make Money With Your Blog
It is essential for you to have some understanding about about online advertising if you want to make money with your blog. One place you can start and which doesn’t take much knowledge or skill to implement is Google AdSense if you’re thinking that blogging will be a full time occupation eventually.
Google™ can provide you with companies that are looking to promote their services or products, so that these companies or online businesses can post their advertisements on your blog. Whenever a reader clicks on the ad and ends up patronizing the business, you will receive a portion of the income, this is just one way of blogging for profit.
Use Others Success To Model Your Own Blog Site
Don’t forget to take a look at some of the blogs on and WordPress blogs to get an example of how your blog should be setup for the best benefits it is OK to replicate what is working on these sites but it is not advisable to copy any of the blog articles.
This will help you to make money with your blog much faster, and will give you the tips you need to start generating a buzz about your new online venture and start to make money with your blog.
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Great article AffiliateX! Using article directories such as EzineArticles is a great to get targeted traffic to your site isn’t it? It has definitely worked for me.
Have you considered using linkwheels? Work of genius those are, because they work like a charm for me.
Keep up the good work.
Hi Affletic
Have just been over and had a look through the Link Wheel site and yes you are right not a bad concept at all. If you had a product site or really need to lift your affiliate site in the SERPS and have very little time to do the SEO and Link building this would be a good solution and it is not over priced for the content and services you receive.
Thanks for the tips to make money blogging. I would apply some of these. I have heard a lot about Automated Blog and I will give it a try 🙂
Thanks Chandan
Glad I could be of assistance to you…
I think the biggest thing that helps people to be successful in blogging is to find a subject that they genuinely enjoy talking about and just to make sure that they actually post very often actual content that helps the visitor. If you post content that is solid often Google will eventually start to give your blog authority and you will aso start to increase the amount of visitors.
Hi Jonathan and welcome to Affiliate X Files…
You are spot on with your conclusion you need to have a blog that is focused and it really does help if you are passionate about the subject as well. Overtime if you continue you will find that if other sites start to link to your content you could very well end up being an authority in your niche.
Posting at least three times a week is one way to get noticed fast by the search engines and if you are passionate about your selected topic that should not be to difficult.
Thanks for dropping by…
I’d definitely say your point about building backlinks is right on the money and most important. That helps tremendously with search engine rankings and the best traffic comes from search engines. Your other points are great too for making money with a blog. Thanks for the great tips. Also, I just started following you on Twitter. Hopefully you will follow back.
.-= Trent Brownrigg´s last blog ..The Boring Way to Make Money Online =-.
Hi Trent
Yes back links are the powerhouse to get indexed fast from the search engines especially if you are getting one way back links from the content you write on your blog the search engines really seem to like that. As for making money with your blog there are so many options it is hard to list them all. But what I will say is this, to get the best results possible you need to be constantly testing and retesting to find what will give you the best returns for your efforts.
Many people are under the impression that this is a set and forget exercise which is the wrong way to look at it. Your internet market can change in an instant and you need to always be prepared for that, so you can stay ahead of the game.
I have used WordPress for some of my blogs and I absolutely love WordPress. It is easy to use and the Wp plugins that you can download are pretty amazing. Two WP plugins that you have to have are Google XML Sitemaps, and All in one SEO. Thank you for all the tips Affiliate X.
Hi Sabrina
I am glad you liked our Affiliate blog. And yes you are right when you speak of these two plugins they are very helpful for getting found and indexed by the the SERP’s much faster.
I want to be a succesful online Marketier someday,thats why i really do my best visiting some site that truly can help to build more idea on how to make money on blogging.Ofcourse,i would be a patient on doing step by step process so that i can win what i want in online business..tnx for this blog!gl
.-= Jackie from Money Blogging´s last blog ..How To Avoid Getting Your Adsense Account Terminated =-.
Hi Jackie and Welcome to our blog…
Its good to hear from someone who has a very good attitude towards affiliate marketing and making money online. Keep reading and learning and over time you will gain the knowledge you need to be very successful online.
And yes you do need to be patient and don’t ever give up no matter how bad it seems because on the internet every day is a new day. If you need any assistance at all please drop us a line.
It’s definitely not easy making money on blogging, you need a lot of traffic. With original content and some networking it can be done though!
Hi Lena
Yes you are right you can’t expect to put up two or three pages of content and start making bucket loads of cash. You need quality niche related content as well as patience to make it online.
My favorite way to monetize my blogs is adsense, I also like to sell banner spots
I’ve been into blogging for quite some time and this is definitely a effective and well written post.
Jason Webb
Using others success to model your own blog site is one tip that’s very useful. It will save you time deciding what look you want to have your site will be.
Yes you are right before I create any sites now I check out what the top ten websites look like (the competition). What this helps me to do is a lot of the testing when trying to find what does and does not work in a particular niche market.
I think most people who have a blog on the back end of their site forget to build links to it. By building quality content you also need quality links to the actual blog, otherwise you lose some of the power associated with the blog. By building links to your blog also, will help your entire site to rank better.F8R
Hi Susan and Welcome
Yes you are spot on with what you are saying they believe the blog will just naturally get links because of what it is. However if they do spend the time to get just a few one way backlinks from relevant sites pointing to there blog then they will see a very big difference in there results.
You should also make sure that you not only have a link from every page of your site to your home page but also to your blog and make sure diversify the links through out your site for your prime keywords that you want you site and also your blog to rank well for.
Another mistake webmasters make with their blogs is only pointing links to their home page. In actual fact if you use the link structure I just mentioned above and get links to your internal pages you will see even better results. As an example on this site for even 10 one way links we point at internal pages we do one to the home page. That way we are passing page rank up and not relying solely on the home page to get us indexed.
Selling paid posts is the fastest way to earn from a blog but the methods you listed above are too good.
It is very important to wisely utilize vacant spots on your blog to maximize your earning, i doubled my conversion by placing 2 banners below the navigation menu on one of my blog
Great post. What you say about banner ads and text links is true. It’s so easy to overdue it. I’ve visited many websites that are nothing but ads. Those sites are worthless. If you have a few ads for quality products, and are able to drive targeted traffic to your site, then you will make money. Also make sure that your ads stay withing your niche.
Yes time and time again you see sights totally destroy their credibility by using many banner ads that are simply not associated to their niche. It makes the site seem untrustworthy almost immediately and you will lose traffic and not make any sales from doing this.
However if you keep it niche related and don’t over do it, and as you said only have banners that market quality products you will make money over time without losing the trust of your site visitors.
Thanks for the tips for making money with blogs. I think content is also very important for a successful blog. Link building and advertising is important, but content of the blog is the key.
Hi Tony..
Yes you are right, you need to have good solid content that gives the blog visitor the information they need so that they not only continue to visit your blog but will bookmark your content in the many different social bookmarking sites.
Good content also helps you to get even more links from sites that are drawing on RSS feeds to add more relevant content onto their sites as well giving you even more backlinks and making your site an authority in its niche market.
I think content is also very important for a successful blog. If you had a product site or really need to lift your affiliate site in the SERPS and have very little time to do the SEO and Link building this would be a good solution. Thank you for all the tips.
Hi Sandra
Yes you are right one thing the search engines like is content… And if you do not have very much SEO knowledge then this is one way to bring traffic to your site on a regular basis especially if you hook your site into the social networks such as Twitter and Facebook.
Could you advise me a way to increase the number of followers on twitter and facebook? I don’t wanna use automatic software, cause I don’t wanna get banned, my twitter account is working for 5 years and I don’t wanna risk it.
Hi Steven
I would not be doing you justice if I didn’t point you in the right direction here are two really informative posts that will answer your questions, How To Get More Clicks, Retweets & Followers as well as Twitter Best Practices these are not products or links to buy anything just the facts about how to increase your social influence online.
Thanks for the great tutorial for earn money with blog.
This article very useful for newbies like me.
Make a presentation video to more effective.
Hi Jessica
Glad you found it useful… When I get some time I will actually add videos to all the posts on this site making it more interactive for all my users. These videos will give you some more insight into the tools and tactics I use as an Affiliate marketer and even the blog templates I use as well as how i write and promote my posts.
Hi There Affiliatexfiles,
I know what you mean when learning how to do any sort of online marketing, including blogging, discovering how to find and use the right keywords is one of the most important things you can master. So if you need to find out how to make money blogging with the right keywords, then here are the top things you will need to know.
I’ll be back to read more next time
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When you start out creating a blog network, it can be very tough to rank because of the stiff competition already out there. One of the most famous blog networks is Weblogs.