If You Never Want Your Website To Be Banned From Social Bookmarking Sites Then You Will Want To Read This…
Are you actively promoting your sites in the many forums across the internet. If you are then you really need to be re-thinking your marketing strategy…
I know what your thinking, hey but all the big name marketers tell you to do this by placing your signatures at the bottom of any relevant posts that you write in the forums and blogs.
But did they also tell you to actively ask people to promote your site on the social bookmarking sites as well… The short answer is NO.
Why Has My Web Site Been Banned From The Social Bookmarking Sites…
This is just one possible reasons for getting banned that I have seen first hand… I am sure there are others as well so let us know.
When you write your signature files for all the forum posts you are going to submit to promote your site online there is one thing that you should not do and that is actually ask anyone that is reading your forum post to click on that link and then bookmark your site in bookmarking sites such as Stumble Upon just as an example.
What is starting to surface is the fact that social bookmarking services have started to track this activity and if they become aware of any reviews or bookmarks appearing in their directories that have specifically come from forums then you are running the chance of having not your account closed but your website banned from being submitted to these sites.
Which at the end of the day is the worst thing that could actually happen to an affiliate marketer or any online business. I had this happen to me some months back on one of the social networking sites which was a huge misunderstanding that was in fact out of my control.
Only now has it been rectified and my site is now again able to be published on that site.
Social Bookmarking And Using Forum Signature Files…
That if you are participating in a forum that has 100’s of members and they all start to click on your signature link to help promote your site with in the social bookmarking sites and all from the same URL or forum the social bookmarking sites will become very suspicious.
You have no recourse if the social bookmarking sites decide to take action.
So How Do You Avoid Being Banned From Social Bookmarking Sites?
Well you can first start by no longer asking anyone to bookmark or promote your site in the forums and secondly maybe break your site URL like this affiliatexfiles[dot]com so it is not an active link in the forum. That way this can no longer happen even by accident, because even though the person may not ever have the intention of bookmarking you but follow the link to your site and then bookmark you, it can still be tracked back to the point of origin.
After all if you are contributing quality information in the forum it is only natural that anyone reading your posts will eventually come to your site to find out more about you and your business.
It all comes down to not taking short cuts and giving your site visitors quality content that they find useful and then they should automatically want to bookmark and circulate your content across the internet for you.
This Is Something For Everyone To Remember…
If you find a really good post in a forum and want to follow the signature link their actual site then simply do this…
Highlight the URL with your mouse, then copy, open up a new browser window and paste the URL in there now you are free from any connections with any forums and can freely browse the site and Tweet it or Bookmark it without any repercussions for the website owner or in some cases the forum as well.
This has currently happened to six associates of mine and usually they do not know that it has happened until someone shoots them an email saying they tried to Bookmark their website in one of the many bookmarking sites available but it would not be accepted.
By simply following these easy steps you will be able to keep yourself safe and others from having their websites banned from the social networking sites. I am definitely not saying not to use your forum signatures what I am saying though is do not encourage people to click on them for the purpose of social bookmarking.
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Alexis says
I think most social bookmarks don’t like to suspend users except spammers. Many users are posting really cheap contents to them and the admin have to suspend them to have a quality website.
AffiliateX says
Hi Alexis
Yes you are right, however a lot of normal users are getting flagged as spammers as well simply because they don’t really understand what it is they are really trying to do. I remember years back where I uploaded a file full of all my bookmarks to Blink and within a day I was flagged as a spammer on their account. The reason for this was that there was over 1000 bookmarks in that file and it triggered their filters straight away it took nearly two years before I could get an account back with them.
This basically happened because I did not fully understand what it was I was doing.
Jonathon says
Fortunately I haven’t started posting in forums so this was a timely read. Although I don’t visit the Warrior Forum very often I did add a signature to my profile a few months ago and noticed that on a couple of posts I made subsequently the links didn’t show at all.
My affiliate focus is in health, weight loss, dating and relationships. What forum posting advice would you give for those niches?
AffiliateX says
Hi Jonathon
The advice I would give is to stop actually thinking about getting back links through places like forums, build your sites up with quality content that people want to interact with in the social networks and talk about on your own blog by posting comments and you will find that your sites back links will take care of themselves without you having to find ways to get them.
If you need some back links then firstly you need to be thinking about finding a quality site and one that is in the same niche. You can get these links by writing a good article that is related to the site and offers value to their readers and in return you get some back links.
You might find it a little slower going but you will not trigger any penalties and you will be bringing in the right type of traffic if you have selected the right keywords that convert and you will not be wasting your own time doing this. I know many so called experts tell you to do this with forums but can you honestly tell me where you have seen any of these experts actually participate in any of the forums that they are saying get back links.
I find all of this stuff a huge distraction from what you need to be doing and that is building your own online business, not adding content to forums for back links which have very little effect for you but are a great benefit for the forum owner getting content posted daily to their site for free.