Many online business owners including affiliates have the very wrong impression about article marketing when it comes to marketing their business online.
With one belief being that article marketing or to be more exact writing articles is way to time-consuming and every single niche subject has been done to death so it is a waste of time for them and their business to write an article and submit it online.
And if you were to take their word for it you would see that they are right because when you do visit the many article directories online, virtually all the niche subjects are saturated with articles that look like just like the next article but if you look a little deeper and really ask yourself if article marketing can be of benefit to your online business.
Your answer should be ‘YES” here is why.
If you maintain an online business whether as an affiliate or product vendor, you would be very aware that to be a success in online marketing you will need to include some form of article marketing.
There are a couple of reasons for this with the most important aspect being that releasing these article which should also include press releases will overtime start to brand you as an expert in your niche. The next reason and just as important is the volume of one way back links you can obtain by using article marketing.
You can also get very good exposure by approaching other sites in your niche market and offering to write an article for their site which will give you even more exposure to your target market. However if you are going to adopt this approach you need to ensure that the articles you are presenting are totally unique for that website or you will find it very hard to have any of your articles published on these sites.
So What Benefits Do You Get
It has to be written so that it is relevant to the content and theme of your website which is what will draw in the targeted traffic to your online business. The reason you are writing articles for these article directories is to gain exposure on your business don’t ever forget that. The topics you choose to write about has to be the information or solutions that readers want and are searching for.
Many will tell you to only write articles on very high volume niche topics but to be a true expert in your field you should be covering every area of your niche regardless of demand when it comes to traffic.
Whether you realize this or not as the world economy slowed and in some cases stopped there were more and more people spending a lot more time online. If you are an online business that needs affiliates to help you sell a product, there are many more people online today who are searching online on ways to make money or get out of debt whether it is an online solution or not to help them get out of trouble, so this niche is in the desperate category for sure.
However you need to do your own market research to find out exactly what it is that people are searching for online and write an article on what they want and need. The online community is a place packed with information and resources and it is growing each day, so by creating your article marketing around these ideas you may be the next big name affiliate marketer or online business owner.
How Can I Speed Up The Process Of Writing Articles
Some things that stop online businesses from ever starting any form of a article marketing strategy is simply the amount of time it takes to draft up a good quality article. You should right from the start, set up a weekly routine for when you will be writing and submitting these articles to the many free article directories online or press release websites such as PR Web, it will definitely keep your online business growing through branding and back links.
You should have this set up as part of your online marketing strategy and you will see some very positive results for your hard work.
For those that honestly feel they don’t know how to write an article and really can’t afford the time to learn, then maybe your alternative is to hire a freelance writer this is also now becoming very popular for website owners as the costs a very small compared to the huge benefits you can get from article marketing.
Outsourcing Can Be A Good Choice If You Are Time Poor
Hiring a freelance writer can be time-consuming for the simple reason that you need to hire a writer who can create a written article that gives a really good impression about your business and products or services. You really have to make sure that they are writing in the style and context that you want because your online image is dependent on this.
Choosing a freelance writer that understands your market is also important but not essential as some of these writers have the ability and skill to craft articles in many different niches. With only freelance writer that has got your attention before you use them to create your articles ask for a sample article to be written for you so that you can see first hand how they write and whether they will be beneficial to your business ideas.
There are many places that you can find writers today as this business has also grown in demand to the fast growth of the internet in general and Elance is a popular place to start if you are looking to hire a freelance writer but again, however if you submit a project you also need to have the time available to sort out of all the bids you will receive. Elance is a bidding site which has a huge variety of writers from the very new to veteran writers.
Before you place your project for bidding you need to have an idea on that budget you wish to spend on the project and may be a good idea to mention on your post for the project. By doing this you will only receive the bids that are relevant to your article writing budget. You need to outline the information clearly on what you are looking for and what you want so there can not be any misunderstandings in the process.
Once you have covered all the bases and you are happy with the freelance writer and the articles you are receiving you can then start to your article marketing by submitting them to the article directories and other websites or blogs of your choice and watch your business go viral in a very short period of time with article marketing.
Thanks for sharing your insight on article marketing.
After writing content-rich articles the most important factor in article marketing is finding publishers with a high page rank. Sites like ezinarticles and articledashboard carry a high rank on google.
Hi Ryan
Yes these are some of the best article directories to use when promoting your online business, however you also need to find other ways to get your articles out there so that you have a large diversity of different IP’s from many different sites. If you only use these two directories then they will loose there effectiveness overtime as all the links are coming from the same source.