Before looking at these strategies please be advised that it is Now Very Risking to use any of these strategies to get better rankings. In fact since the start of 2013 many sites have been penalized for using strategies such as these.
Are you a savvy affiliate marketer who uses article marketing?
Do you really know what will work when promoting affiliate products online.
Maybe you think social bookmarking is what will work for you and for now you are probably right.
However if you want to use a tactic that has stood the test of time then you really need to be considering this type of marketing.
How Does This Help Dominate The Major Search Engines
Article marketing is a popular way to attract new customers and for affiliates it’s now an essential strategy for dominating the search engines. There are many options available for you to use and promote your products or services when you talk about article marketing.
The obvious choice and where many choose to start off, is with the major article directories that accept free articles such as EzineArticles and Article Dashboard that go through a proofing process before being posted.
A word of warning for those that want to use PLR Articles for their article marketing and that is that the major article directories will more often than not reject them as they only want unique article content.
Once your articles are accepted they are used by many website owners who are allowed to use these articles from the article directories with your byline or resource box attached. However before you release any of you articles make sure to read the author terms to ensure you will receive a byline and link back to your affiliate website.
There are some article directories that now offer widgets so website owners can automatically get new articles that come into the article directories based on topics. This could help your affiliate business if your topic and articles become popular.
When you have decided which article directory you want to submit your articles to, send them off in batches. Because it takes longer to gain approval with some article directories, the process will go faster if you have a batch of articles you want a viral marketing campaign for.
Click Here To Learn How To Dominate EzineArticles
Decide on the topic of your articles and write at least 5 articles based on that topic. For instance, if you are an affiliate for a money-making eBook, the following could be some article topic ideas: How To Make Money Online, Where To Find Money Making Resources Online, The Easiest Way To Make Money, The Quickest Way To Make Money Online and New Money Making Ideas.
When you have a planned outline of your topics, creating your articles will come easily.
Getting The Most Benefit For Your Efforts
With these articles you need to do a few things to ensure you get the best results from your article marketing. Firstly submit your articles to EzineArticles before any other article directory as this one has the most power for linking back to your affiliate website. Once they are approved and in the directory you can then go to other article directories such as Article Dashboard and submit them there.
Now you are going to need some software to do this next step called The Best Spinner so that you can now re-purpose your articles quickly as doing it by hand will take to long and virtually drive you “MAD” or give you what I call blogging burnout. You want to create a minimum of 20 re-written articles and for best effect each article should be 60% different to the next there is some free software you can use called Content Checkup as well as a free eBook called Ghost Writers Suck. (no longer available)
OK now we are ready to Smash Our Competitors in any niche using only Unique Article Wizard and you are going to build a huge amount of back links to your affiliate website in a very short period of time. Unfortunately I am not permitted to really tell you how all this works but what I will say is it works very well.
Where Do You Get The Inspiration And Ideas To Write
When you begin writing your articles, just type or write down what comes to you. It’s easier to get a full article just writing what comes naturally and going back to edit. If you need to do research, make sure to jot or type down key points you need for the rest of your articles.
Affiliates use article marketing a lot so you may want to also visit these article directories to see what articles are most popular. You can usually find a rating on submitted articles and see what has been downloaded frequently. Make sure when you are creating the article that you write something geared towards your affiliate product or service.
Find out popular keywords and topics people are searching for on Google. When you write, do make sure to use keywords in the title and body of your articles to get the attention of search engines.
Once you have them all written and proofed, you want to sign up and submit your original articles. Don’t forget to write a catchy byline for yourself with a link back to your affiliate product or service. Remember, your articles should be different for each article directory since most ask for never before published before articles.
Once you get your articles approved, you can keep follow on what articles are most popular with website owners. Keep track of your articles that are being used most often. When you know that, it will help guide the next set of articles you submit for your affiliate article marketing campaign.
Nice article! Should be a great option for anyone offering professional writing services. Thanks!
Hi Phillip
It is even a better option for those offering a web promotion service.
I have tested this theory on many sites now and each time using the services listed above I have absolutely skyrocketed to the top of the search engines.
All I do is write some quality articles put some backlinks in and submit, It is so much easier than spending hours trying to find suitable link partners where you are only getting a few sites a week using the strategies above I am able to get 700 plus one way backlinks to any site I like and that’s every week.
Using Affiliate X Files as an example and at the time of me writing this we are ranked at #11 in Google for the keyword “affiliate marketing” out of 37,200,000 other websites and for our home page title keyword “How Does Affiliate Marketing Work” we are ranked #4 out of 25,100,000 sites in Google.
Of course these listing fluctuate but I think you can see what I mean by dominating the Serps with Article Marketing. The more articles you write the better the result.
From my point of view, article writing is the most beneficial backlink building method, I often utilize it in my seo promotions. In any case, thank you for the article.
Thanks Daniel..
And yes it is a very much under utilized tactic by many website owners. Writing articles and placing them on other directories and blogs can get you good search engine rankings fast.