To be able to make money with article marketing you need to be able to write quality material or have the advertising and marketing knowledge to publicize written material that others publish.
Becoming an affiliate for several companies may be a great way for you to generate a good income right from your own home. You make money by individuals clicking through via links that businesses provide to you and you place on your site.
To Make Money You Will Need A Good Sales Page
Being that you are going to be advertising a service or a product you are going to require a sales pitch that grabs individuals and a website content that will grab the reader’s interest if you are serious on wanting to make money.
Your job is to convince the reader that they cannot live without the product you are promoting, and that they need the information and other products that you have to offer is necessary to them having a happy life.
While many affiliate companies only give you money off of the first sale you make from each client, you have the option of marketing a good range of companies so that you can still make a profit off of your returning customers.
Using A Freelance Writer To Get The Job Done
If you don’t feel confident writing this type of content on your own, you can hire a writer to write for you. There are a great many reasons why paying for such written articles would be to your benefit when you are trying to make money with article marketing.
The biggest benefit is that you are going to be in a position to tell the writer exactly what they need to write about and promote. Alternatively, when you search for free written content, you are limited to what is already available.
The other advantage of hiring a writer is that when you pay them for the content it then becomes yours and they are unable to resell it to somebody else, only you can. Another downside is that if you use free content there is no telling how many other affiliates are using the identical content especially when it comes to Clickbank affiliates.
In addition, the original author will be in a position to place their signature file at the bottom of the written article which might result in them stealing your traffic.
A great many companies offer decent commissions for affiliates that can pre-sell merchandise and deliver them more clients. Provided you choose to promote a product or service that can be very useful to a wide variety of people, then pre-selling your chosen company may not be that challenging at all. The secret here is to reach to the clients that are going to read your content that will make them click on your affiliate link which in turn is how you make money .
This is just one of the many ways that you can make money with article marketing online, with some simple tools or membership sites such as Content Fx, Need An Article, SimplyPLR and a place to submit your articles to such as this service Unique Article Wizard you are well on your way to being successful online.
Increase website traffic says
Nice Post!
Thanks for sharing the information….
Sandra says
Now that Google’s Panda update occurred, how would you recommend doing things differently?
AffiliateX says
Hi Sandra
Make sure you subscribe to our site feed i have been testing three sites over the last month with some very goof results. I will write a post on this in the coming weeks so everyone can see what changes I have made to help with the Panda update. I just want to run these tests a little longer to make sure they are not short lived results.