Do you have a video blog?… Starting a video blog does not have to be difficult here’s why!
Having a video blog today is one of the best ways to capture not only your site visitors attention but get additional email opt-ins and build traffic to your online business very fast…
But before we get into video blogging I am sure you are saying right now, that you don’t have the techie knowledge to get into video blogging…
However I am here to tell you that you are wrong.
If you use a blog as your online platform and especially a WordPress blog then you already have a video blog but just don’t know…
Maintaining A Video Blog Will Give You Many More Options
With a video blog you not only allow your visitors to actually view your products or services online but you can now, with many new developments in software applications add many different features to your videos with out having to know all the technical details of how it all works.
The first program that I would like to talk about is Optimize Your Video 2.0 which has been created by Josh Anderson and Scott Lundergan, both are well know video blog gurus.
The optimize your video program is going to show you all the steps you need to not only create your video but optimize it for the many other services currently available to video marketers. What you will find in this video blog membership site is 17 modules with heaps of videos, audio and text based information for you to use in creating your video blog.
Optimize your video gives you the answers, video resources and tools for direct response and web video marketing you have been looking for but could not find.
Put Your Video Blog On Steroids
The next program is called Easy Video Player 2.0 created by Josh Bartlett and it has some very powerful options for anyone serious about marketing their products and services online.
This is not a membership site and is only a onetime payment to get these very powerful tools. The software has had a complete overhaul from the easy video player 1.0, making easier to use and has more functionality than ever before!
It has even been suggested the software will change the way video blog marketing is conducted online, and when your potential customer is viewing the video on your site this is when easy video player goes to work and presents them with many different options from opting in to your mailing list or purchasing a product.
Getting Your Video Blog Indexed Fast
Mark Dulisse from Dominating Google has a very effective WordPress plugin called Google Video Sitemap that you can install on your WordPress blog that creates and submits a video sitemap to Google™, it is compatible with Easy Video Player 2.0 as well as another WordPress plugin called Viddymatic.
Viddymatic also has an additional program where you can embed video into your standard html pages if you don’t happen to have a blog.
You simply create your videos then produce them the way you want, upload the video to your server or amazon s3 account and the Google Video Sitemap does the rest for you, it’s really that easy.
As you can see there has been many advances for anyone wanting to start a video blog and with these very effective tools you don’t need to have any technical knowledge to look like the expert in your niche market.
If you want to be competitive with any of your marketing then starting a video blog is the way to do it.
Oh, wow! Those are a lot of different tips.
Unfortunately, they’re too many.
Instead of doing all of that – just start recording something with your camera. No matter how bad it becomes.
Hi Nab…
Yes that could work and you might even get lucky and have a block buster on your hands… However if you want to be seen as the expert in your niche it is better to have a few practice videos first and keep improving on them until you get it right for publication.