About a month ago I joined an online course called Dominating Google created by Mark Dulisse which by the way is probably the best online course I have come across in a very long time as an affiliate marketer.
Having A Google Video Sitemap Makes Getting Top Search Engine Listings Easy…Here’s Why!
But what I did not know was this, Mark had developed some very powerful plugins for WordPress.
At first I did not pay too much attention to these plugins and started getting into the course, but something kept pulling me back to the Google Video Sitemap plugin that I had seen on Mark’s site.
For those that have been on my site for a while you already know that I don’t recommend many products and if I do then I have been using them and seen some or lots of success this is one of those products.
So this is the case with the Google Video Sitemap Plugin…
However I am not going to bore you with some big spiel about how you need it to be successful online as this would be incorrect.
But what I am going to do is simply ask you to watch a video Mark created for the Google Video Sitemap Plugin and let you decide whether this is something you need.
(The video below is also on Mark’s Video Sitemap Page)
Check Out The Google Video Sitemap In Action
What Results Have We Seen Using The Google Video Sitemap?
You have seen the results above not just in mark’s video but our screen shot as well… So just to show you that this Google video sitemap plugin is a very powerful addition to your marketing you might to take a look at this…
This site is totally dominating this market for the keyword Claytech Water Pumps and it only took one day for those results to be displayed..
Something else also happened when submitted the videos to Google Video Sitemap and that is the site actually had its pages indexed as well, giving it a very high-ranking from the start… Maybe it is from having only a small amount of competition, but for a new page on a site this happened very fast.
So Do We Recommend Mark’s Google Video Sitemap Plugin
Well the short answer to this is yes, basically for one simple reason and that is video marketing is growing at a very fast rate and you need to be getting the benefits from it right now while many people still have no idea how powerful this can be.
If you simply have a few minutes to spare in your busy schedule go and grab a cup of coffee and head on over to the Mark Dulisse’s Google Video Sitemap page and check this out for yourself…
This was just for WordPress users but I believe that there is also a video sitemap for Joomla users as well… you can find out more about that on the Google Video Sitemap page.
Google is always making a way in which they can expand their services for the comfort of it’s users. They are now leading in providing relevant information to users.
But Google doesn’t stop there because they’re still up for more. This strategy is like the one used in Google maps.
Google is now creating the Google maps to widen it’s services. This Google maps will help users to locate a certain business establishment in a map. On the other hand, they are allowing businesses to be listed for free. So, this is a free advertising opportunity for the businesses while Google widens it’s services.
Hi Armil
Yes this is a very powerful tool that you can implement for free, there are also services now that you can employ to do all this for you such as adding Google Maps, Facebook and Twitter to your websites so you can maximize all your traffic sources.