Currently online where ever you go you see Twitter, every website that has any clue about marketing has a twitter button or is using twitter tools of some description on their home page.
Twitter has grown to be the most dominant social bookmarking site online right now… Many even say it’s the social bookmarking site of the century but I have been online to long to make such a bold statement as things change very rapidly online.
Applications are now in full swing virtually being developed daily to cash in on this phenomenon and to use the full power of Twitter in marketing campaigns all across the internet for affiliates and merchant sites alike.
The Growing Popularity
Twitter or micro-blogging which it’s also known by has become more of an addiction for many users especially as many of us are voyeurs in the sense of the word that we like to know everything about everyone and this is the place to do it.
Twitter in actual fact has become a treasure trove of actual information which is why it has grown at such a rapid pace in popularity.
And for this reason alone an affiliate marketer would be stupid not to use this service and the many twitter tools to promote their wares online today. As well as probably being the most simple system for anyone to use online today where you only have to post what is known as a tweet which is 140 characters long including your link. It is actually more like a headline, it is fast and is online instantly.
So What Are The Best Tools For Affiliates

TweetDeck is a desktop application which displays all of your friends replies as well as any of their direct messages, follow topics in real-time, update your Facebook account.
And for affiliates TweetDeck has a function where you can track keywords every time a keyword is mentioned you will know about and be able to follow by creating specific search columns.
You can also manage multiple Twitter accounts, share your photo’s as well record and watch video clips right from TweetDeck as well as a new function to stop any spam from invading your twitter.
TweetDeck is a tool that will help you see everything you want to see while staying organized and up to date on the trends you are following.

Twitscoop is another tool that has been designed so that you can see your friends conversations in real-time. A power feature for affiliates is that you can view keywords in any niche market and see what the trends are and if it’s viable.
When you arrive at the Twitscoop page you will see at the very top of the page under the button hot trends this is where you can see what is being discussed which makes it a similar to Google trends except you can see the actual conversation taking place in Twitter.
You can imagine this to be your CNN for breaking trends and news online.As an affiliate marketer this is another tool you should be using to find those hot niches for you websites.
Remember if you are the first to get into a niche that is about to explode online you will be miles ahead of any of your competitors.

Monittor is very much the same as TwitScoop where you can enter a keyword into columns on the site and track what is being discussed in the tweets.
Again this is in real-time and you can have more than one window open so that you can track different conversations at the same time.
Basically it is a twitter monitor hence the name of the site you can also download a widget that will display your selected discussions on your site.
For those affiliates that are using static HTML on their sites this is a good way to deliver targeted and fresh content constantly and a very targeted topic.
Monittor has been closed down due to change with Twitters API.

The next tool we are going to be talking about is Twitter Search which is probably what I use the most as an affiliate marketer. It is said that this tool is now being used as much as Google to search for topics online.
All you need to do is type in your keyword and you will find all the tweets that are discussing that topic.
This gives you the ability to tap into any market place quick and in real-time to see what is being spoken about so that you can target specific groups or even individuals so that you can market your products.
With the creation of such applications as these marketing for affiliates has never been easier not just for selling products but also to generate large amounts of traffic to your web sites and building your email lists which we all know will determine your success or failure when it comes to managing your online business.
For anyone who is not to sure where or how to start the own twitter account you should have a look at this Twitter Best Practices to see how powerful twitter can be.
I like TweetDeck too. I use the Twitter Tools plugin to announce new blog posts, that seems to help a lot.
.-= Jimmy Sou@make money with twitter´s last blog ..Jacqueline Van Tol – Using Feedback From Twitter Followers =-.
I Jimmy…
Yes twitter is a very powerful tool to be using with your marketing, and it really does help to have your posts sent to twitter using some of these tools.
Add a Plus to Links
If you’ve been using TweetDeck or another Twitter service that uses links, then here’s a great tip:
Go through your timeline and pull out links, paste them into your browser, and add a “+” on the end. This will automatically send you to the statistics page for that link, which gives you conversation history, clicks and regional analysis.
Not only is this a great way to yank out and measure the effectiveness of your tweet history, but it also gives you the opportunity to analyze your competitors!
Want to know how well someone else’s tweets are faring? Pull out the “+” and you’re in business.
Hi Rina…
Thanks for the great tips, this is handy to know.