There are several ways to earn money from your blog. If you are interested, you can use one of these ways and have a nifty side income while you continue to blog as usual.
So what are you going to learn in this article on how to earn money from your blog?
Simply how to use techniques to generate an online income with your blog, however there are a few things you need to be aware of first.
Selling Advertising Space Can Be A Way To Earn Money From Your Blog
The easiest way to earn money from your blog is by selling advertising space on your blog for a fee, this can be very lucrative if you have a large traffic volume to your blog. If your blog can generate adequate amounts of traffic, then it is not very hard to find someone who is willing to pay you money advertise on it.
However you have to ensure that you do not breach Google’s TOS by doing so, this means any paid ads you do have must be “Nofollow” and not pass on any page rank. If you do, then your site may be penalized.
It may seem like a passive form of income, but it does require some minimal maintenance on your part so that the advertisers will not bail and they remain interested in investing in your blog traffic.
Having Traffic Is The Key
You will notice how I said “Blog Traffic” this is what the advertiser is looking for and you could have the most basic blog that has loads of traffic you will have advertisers approaching you to place their ads.
On the other hand you could have the most high-tech blog on the planet but no traffic and no advertisers, try to find a happy medium don’t skimp on the design of your blog while also posting useful information for your readers to have one of the “best blog sites “.
Using Pay Per Click Marketing As Another Way To Earn Money From Your Blog
The other way to earn money from your blog is to have a form of pay-per-click ads. These kinds of ads are offered by a bigger companies and will be hosted on your website. It won’t cost you as much as finding a direct sponsor, but the pay is less as well-being only a couple of cents for a click right through to $20 for some keywords.
Alternately, you can sign up for some affiliate programs through Clickbank or even ShareAsale that can help you find interested companies or individuals willing to advertise on your blog. We use both of these networks.
Joining One Of The Many Affiliate Programs Online
Affiliate programs are good because it can help you make money even if you do not have a lot of traffic to your website because the program you are affiliated to will take care of it by providing you with the information and tools you need to promote their product or service.
Get You Blog Noticed With These Professional Blog Designs
If the affiliate program does not have these tools then you should really consider how viable it is to have on your blog, because if that product vendor hasn’t created decent promotional materials you would really have to wonder how much effort they have put into the product they want you to sell. On the flip side, you may make no money at all as income is never guaranteed as an affiliate marketer.
Using Your Writing Skills To Make Money Online
If you are a professional freelance writer, you will actually be paid to maintain a blog. Nowadays, individuals have established themselves through their blogs and consequently, not that many are professional writers, but they still make good money writing for a living. So in saying that if you do have good writing skills then this is a great way for your to earn money from your blog.
If you are famous enough, you don’t need to really write all that well to earn money from your blog. There are quite a few blog-stars today who have made writing a living after they gained fame. Many people seem to be discovering this every day as true writing skills are biting the dust.
Choosing To Sell Your Own Product Online Is Also An Option
A blog can also be used as a medium to promote something, like a product or a service. If your blog is interesting enough, then you can actually use it over other mediums to promote something rather than write articles about your feelings or emotions. Alternatively, you could also try writing something and selling it for a price as people are willing to pay for information that deserves the money.
If you have a successful blog you can always then make the decision to write an e-book or create a paid service. This is another way to generate more income. An e-book could be on any subject that your readership would be interested in.
Once you write the e-book, you can upload it to your website and have people buy it with an instant credit card payment using a payment processor such as PayPal or you can even use ClickBank or Paydotcom to handle the transactions for you.
Once they make the payment, they can download the e-book for their reading pleasure. This is an effective way to create residual income for yourself and your blog online. Once this is all setup you do nothing but watch the daily sales come into your bank account.
Now that’s an easy way to make some extra cash from your blog. If you have additional questions on affiliate marketing and how to earn money from your blog then you can ask them here Ask Your Affiliate Marketing Questions.
Great post… I’m making more money now that i sell my own product
Hi Jorge…
Yes even as an affiliate marketer there comes a time when you have to make a decision as to whether or not to sell your very own product or service…
Hi there, Great post but I was just wondering, for selling ads on my blog as you said, how much should I charge for based on traffic to my blog? like what’s a good amount to charge lets say for example on a blog that’s in the top %1 according to Alexa.
Also, I noticed that some people who sell ad space on their blog have a service that does that for them automatically but they pay monthly for it, do you know of any such services where for example they only get to charge you when your ads are sold? perhaps a percentage of the profit?
Thanks, I’m sill a newbie blogger. 🙂
Hi Sayed…
Everyone has a different way of working out the value of advertising on their sites… I have seen from the extremely expensive to great value.
If you want to put your site in the marketplace for paid advertising then i would suggest looking at the top sites in your niche market, see if they are offering any form of advertising and what the costs are to go with them.
Then all you simply need to do is work out where you are in relation to that site and set your prices accordingly. Here is an example of an advertise page…
I would stay away from any paid services to do this but that is just me, there are many ways you can place advertisements without using any paid services to cut into your earnings.
Be very careful about using PPC advertising. Anyone who thinks it is easy to make money that way they haven’t been bitten yet. Ron, please let me share my posts about how to optimize AdWords campaigns with your readers.
While I agree that ppc can be used to generate an income, anyone who decides to go that route needs to know how to do it with the least risk possible. At a minimum consider using exact match only and only advertising on search unless you really know what you’re doing.
Yes Gail…
That is very good and solid advice, PPC advertising can get very expensive if you are not sure what you are doing.
A few great earning ideas there! I have one more- Why not write articles for revenue sharing sites such as a How-To guide? These are always in demand in online searches and are easy to write as you can draw on your own experiences. I am the webmaster for The howto-guidebook, a site collating how-to articles on a range of subjects. Why not write an article for us? You’ll earn 80% of advertising revenue from your work if you do!
Hi Dan and welcome..
Yes this is another way that you can make an income online, however many people don’t have the skills to write effective articles, but you seem to be offering a generous share of the revenue from the articles.
I would like to here more about the service you offer, it seems to me, and I could be wrong but the better your article is written meaning selected keywords and quality the more exposure your article gets and the more money you can make. Is there any restrictions to earning or is it just ongoing for the life of the article.
Are you just embedding the articles with adsense? Or do you have other monetization methods you use.
Some great ways that you have mention to make extra money. Atm my blog is not getting any visitors as it is new and it needs a lot more posts. I am new to this whole blogging thing so I am unsure what to expect. I have been told I will need around a few months of constant posts to see any results with making money with any method.
Hi Craig
Yes that is right about the posts, you also need to find some social networking groups that you can get involved with a build a list of followers from those networks. This will help to increase traffic to your site but it will take some time to do so have some patience and do a little but each day and before you know it you will have a good online business.
I like to sell my own services rather than being an affiliate for someone. Proving a monthly service means you get a monthly income!
Hi Manie…
Yes this is the next logical step after being an affiliate marketer, or even to enhance your affiliate marketing efforts buy having your very own products or services to sell online.
Selling your own product and services seems to be the best ways to earn from your blog, given that you are able to display your expertise through your blog posts, why not make the most out of the traffic you are getting. Also, I think it’s where most affiliate marketers are leading into, though promoting other products and earning through commissions is not a bad idea as well, it can certainly generate passive income, that doesn’t really require loads of work, other than creating good content and promoting it.
Hi Lauren
Having a blog is a fantastic platform for promoting your own products and services. Any client we take on now must have a blog so that they can experience the full benefit of what the internet can offer a business.
Many marketers especially affiliate marketers do not understand the importance of giving their readers quality information before trying to make a sale. This has also been reflected in the Google™ Farmer Update where thousands of sites have vanished from the internet search queries simply because the webmaster did not take the time to provide value in the sites content and in many cases simply copied from some where else.
One of the most famous freelancer service offered by others is their writing skills. It has lots of potential especially if the person is really a great writer. I know lots of people who can really write fast that can earn lots of money within a day or week just by simply writing articles in different niches.
Hi Diana
I like to write as well but unfortunately I am not very fast at it. Usually takes me a day to write one article for my blog. However in the last few weeks i have been using a new writing tool which has enabled me to turn out up to 10 quality articles a day from anywhere between 300 to 500 words an article. The service I have been using is called Jiffy Articles and it is easy to use and offers a heap of great ideas when drafting your articles.
Anyone looking at writing for others online to make extra cash should be looking at this service.
Consider accepting sponsored giveaways, reviews, special offers on your site by promoting others resources.
These are great tips for earning money from a blog. I have used my writing skills to make good money online. Affiliate marketing is also a great way. Thanks for sharing this useful piece of information.
Excellent blog article and tips. I am thinking about turning my blog into a membership site, as have hosting account for multi admins and downloaded Word Press for multi blogs or some people call them child blogs. Still researching membership network blogs.
Hi Jannette
If you need a good platform for your blogs where you can create member access, drip feed content and so on you can not go past the ease of use and power of the Premise System from Copyblogger.