If you are contemplating starting an e-zine for your online business, choosing an ezine topic can be frustrating, especially for those that just do not know where to start.
Choosing The Right Topic Can Make All The Difference…
Your ezine topic should always follow a certain direction and should never steer off the topic of your online business niche.
The following are tips on how to choose a successful E-zine topic for your business.
It All Starts With Market Research
It’s always amazing how many online entrepreneurs jump right into a project without researching anything about the market. After they’ve been online for a few months for a few months, without much traffic or response to their website, they then realize it was not a good idea to begin with.
This is where you will be a number of steps ahead of your competition if you just do your market research! Research your competition.
It’s always a good idea to see what kind of ezine material your competition is offering to their website visitors. All you simply need to do is opt-in to receive the e-zine.
Make Sure You Check Out The Different Directories
There are many e-zine directories that you can have access to for free, simply by doing a search for “E-zine Directories”. Make sure to look and read the ones that are relating to the niche you are considering on offering in your e-zine.
Read the style of writing to find out what kind of content the e-zine is covering. Was the content something you can find anywhere else online or is something that you would personally subscribe to?
Knowing what kind of ezines are out there will help you to create an even better e-zine for your own subscribers. We are not just talking about the topic you have chosen but right down to the layout of the e-zine to the length.
By subscribing to a few other ezines in your niche you will be able to see what is and what isn’t working which can help you to avoid mistakes when choosing your E-zine Topic.
Try And Build A Business Around Something You Are Passionate About
Choosing a topic you are passionate about will show in your writing style and content. Write what you know and what you can share extensively on. If you enjoy what you are writing about, your e-zine will be created faster than if you don’t know anything about the topic you choose.
You don’t want to choose a E-Zine topic you have no knowledge about.
Of course, it’s always great to learn more about what you do know and researching on new ideas is always key. If you are passionate about your topic, it will show in your writing and can create excitement from your subscribers who look forward to receiving the new e-zine each week or month.
Use A Keyword Tool To Analyze Your Potential Traffic
Find out if the topic you are choosing to write about is searched on at the major search engines. Always choose a niche topic compared to something very general like “Affiliate” that everyone is looking for, this can be a very competitive market for a new online business.
It is essential to your online business that you know how many people are searching for the keywords in your niche. Once you know that you can then see what actual keywords you can discover that will potentially generate more topic ideas for your e-zine.
One such tool you can use which is free is Traffic Travis to research your traffic and keywords.
For example, you may find out that Eco-friendly cleaning is widely searched but if you dig deeper, you’ll find that many are finding ways to make their own Eco-friendly cleaning products.
This can be something you can tap into with your e-zine marketing if it relates to your online business. Make sure you always choose a topic that is closely related to your online business.
Finding a popular topic for your e-zine will give you and your subscribers something positive for your business in the long run which will build trust and authority for you and your online business.
We use Aweber to handle all of our subscribers and ezine marketing needs.
DiscountLightandpower says
I really want to learn how to get traffic to my E-zines, I hope your trianing has how to insert H1 tags, That’s what I was actually researching, how to inserch H1 tags in Ezine articles
AffiliateX says
Hi Frederick…
You can only use these tags in Ezine articles…
Allowable Tags:
bold, strong, underline, italic and so on nothing there for using H1
Don’t worry about the H1 tag in the articles they are more important on your own site, what you should be doing with the articles is promoting them through social network sites so that you are getting the back links to your site, not trying to get your article in the top ten.