There are lots of internet marketers and even affiliate marketers today who put in a lot of effort into building up a website domain, and one way they start this process is by purchasing an expired domain name.
They build it with content, get it indexed with the search engines and get website traffic on a daily consistent basis.
At the end of the domain registration, they sometimes let these domains expire. Only the website owner knows why and one of the best ways to market your business is to purchase an expired domain name.
Why You Should Consider Purchasing An Expired Domain Name
When a domain name expires, this is an excellent opportunity for you to jump onto a name that fits your website business. After you purchase this expired domain, you inherit everything the previous domain owner has done for it.
This is worth every penny you invest into it.
As an example we purchased our domain name once it had expired, it cost us a little more money through a broker to do this but it already had many one way back links pointing to it so some of our marketing for the domain name was already done.
Sometimes these domain names can range from $10 to hundreds of dollars or even higher depending if there are domain brokers behind it. Each day there are thousands and thousands of domains expiring and you will be sure to find something that will help grow your online business just with the domain alone.
You Need To Research Everything Before Purchasing Any Expired Domain Name
Remember, not all expired domains are great. You need to do your research to find out what expired domain to take advantage of. First off, you want to choose an expired domain that has positive feedback on it. If you do a Google search and type in the domain name, you can find out if there are any negative comments against the domain name.
It would be terrible to buy an expired domain that already has a bad reputation and the back links to it are customers slamming the domain from their own blogs.
It Is Better If The Domain You Choose Has An Established Traffic Flow
When you are looking for a good expired domain name, the website traffic to it is key. The domain name may have expired awhile ago to just recently but there could still be traffic because of the search engines. If the domain is expiring soon and the website owner is actually advertising it, you can ask for traffic stats.
Professional website owners will follow through with screen shots of daily to unique visitors. This should give you an idea of how much traffic the expiring domain has been getting for the time it’s been out in cyberspace.
Make Sure The Expired Domain Name Is A Good Match For Your Niche Market
Choose an expired domain name that fits your niche. With so many online entrepreneurs cashing in on niche topics, it’s best to find a domain that will fit your niche business. For example, you definitely don’t want to buy a generic domain such as “craft supplies” if you specialize in the niche of organic screen printing supplies.
Always research what is marketable in your niche marketplace and go from there when choosing an expired domain name to buy.
You’re choosing a domain name that your existing traffic can be lead to. When you are purchasing the expired domain make sure you do it as quickly as possible to ensure that you can benefit from it quickly. Have that domain in your sales letters, blog, newsletter and whatever else you are using to market your business.
Once the domain name is known by your customers, it will be as easy as pie to build up the website traffic even more by word of mouth.
AffiliateX says
Yes it is going to be exciting… To see all the advancements in CSS
Chris says
I just recently started flipping websites, and I can vouch that it does hold a lot of potential. Wanted to take the time out and thank you for such wonderful information. Domain Flipping Rocks!! 🙂 Always research what is marketable in your niche marketplace and go from there when choosing an expired domain name to buy.
AffiliateX says
Hi Chris
Yes this can be a very profitable past time, I don’t know how many times people let working sites go without ever thinking about selling them. If it is of good quality and has a little bit of traffic to it and can be improved upon there is someone that will buy it.