Once you have finished your report, you’ll need to distribute it. Give it away as an incentive for people to subscribe to your mailing list. Make sure you convince them that this report is unique and worth owning – more and more marketers are giving away small e-books, so you need to stand out. Tell them what they’re getting and how it can benefit them.
Archives for April 2013
Is a Hybrid Website Right for Your Blog?
For example, the home page of a company that specializes in Lancaster PA web design might feature some basic information about provided services, rates and examples of work, but also may include blogs on topics such as “5 Things To Avoid When Designing A Website.” These content pages give visitors something interesting to read and also convey the idea that a company possesses relevant expertise.
Roadblocks to Permission Email Marketing
Permission-based email manages to avoid controversy, mostly because email recipients consciously sign up for email marketing.
In spite of this, permission-based email marketing has a problem. Consumers sign up for the email, but marketers have no guarantee they’ll open, or even see, their email messages.
Building a Mailing List
Bloggers and podcasters also benefit from mailing lists. Instead of expecting readers to visit sites for updates, bloggers can email subscribers, alerting them to recent posts. A good mailing list also helps bloggers occasionally promote affiliate links and special features.
Mailing Lists Are Not Spam
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