Residual income puts money in an affiliate marketer’s bank account without any real hard work or effort on their part. It simply does not get any better than that for making a living online right!
For those that are actively getting sales of back end products this allow you to get paid for work that you do more than once. The basic idea is to try and work smarter…not harder.
Understanding Residual Income And Back End Product Sales
Back end products or services are what you will be offering to your existing customers, these are the the people who have already bought a first product (initial product) from you and can potential give you a residual income as well.
Just about all the good affiliate marketers generate a lot more money by selling customers on the second, third and even fourth back end product than selling their initial product.
The reason is that people who’ve already bought from you once are much more likely to buy from you again if what you have offered them initially is of quality and solves a problem for the purchaser.
Using a strategy to present back-end offers which is where you will get the residual income stream shifts the focus from the short sighted “take the money and run mentality” strategy that is in so much use by a lot of fly by night affiliates on the internet today. Actually it is hard to determine who is legitimate and who is not.
Many of you ready this would have seen seen these affiliate websites all over the internet and all of them with only one goal in mind, to get your money and run.
The way they do this is by generating a massive amount of traffic, through a lot of black hat tactics and using many of the social networks to draw people in, then selling unwary visitors on a very over-priced product or service that doesn’t deliver what was promised.
These affiliates are probably going to make some fast money in the short term but they will only ever get the opportunity to sell to each customer they get to buy once and will have to continue spending a lot of money on advertising to get new suckers to visit their affiliate site.
Focus On Building A Website For Success To Make Residual Income Online
More successful affiliate websites focus on building a strong relationship with their customers to get back end product sales, as well as being an authority in their niche market. Your main goal as an affiliate or any online marketer should be to make absolutely sure your customers are satisfied, by not only providing quality content but the products you sell online also.
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Why You Need To Have Trust As An Affiliate To Get Residual Income
If you deliver the goods that actually work and help them to achieve their goals, your customers will trust you all the more. If you have the trust of your site visitors, you can them sell to them much easier.
So as a result of the trust you have built with your existing customers when you send an email offering another product that they may be interested in, they will click the link in the email to view what it is you are offering because they trust you, once there and if it is of use to them you have a much better chance of getting a sale.
Trust is everything on the internet and without it you will find it very hard to survive online, and you definitely will not have a chance to earn a residual income from your affiliate efforts.
For anyone that is looking to get a internet business off the ground and start seeing positive results then you are going to need some help right… Currently there are two programs that you can get involved in that will show you how to not only become a responsible affiliate marketer but sell your own products online.
The first is called Internet Marketing Advantage created by Tim Godfrey and Steve Clayton where you get all the tools to create a residual income and all of their experience with online marketing.
The next is called the Blogging Income Guide created by Andrew Rondeau and Joel Williams both of these guys are experts in the blogging world and show you how to start an online business using a blog so you can be on your way to generating a residual income…
Both of these programs can show you how to start making a residual income with your internet business.
Jon says
Work once get paid for life is the optimum. I liken it to the squirrel gathering nuts in summer to feed through winter. Conversely Panda and other 2011 events made spammy thin sites a less attractive business model and I note some teachers in the IM niche who once preached building those 3-5 page sites are now advocating authority sites which is a step in the right direction. As you say anyone starting out needs a helping hand to work through the inevitable learning curve as they acquire the basic technical and marketing skills. Your site provides this in spades which is why I promote it on my IM site. Enjoy your festive break and come back refreshed for a fantastic 2012.
AffiliateX says
Hi Jon
Yes I saw the writing on the wall some years back with all the thin sites that were appearing and adding no real value to anyone except for trying to sell a product or service. The key now is for everyone is to build their sites up so they are what we call the authority in their niche which will then enable them to gain social influence which is now another major factor of getting good rankings since the release of Google+.
You need to be thinking long term in this business and not just about today, if you do and build it right they will come and they will stay which is the fastest way to start getting a residual income online.
untraditional income says
I enjoyed the tips you are providing on your website. Residual income can make life easier by providing long term income for doing something one time. Thanks for the information……….