Now that you have spent the time to get your affiliate website together the next step is to find a good way to bring targeted traffic to it using social media.
One of the best ways to accomplish this today is by using social media networking sites. There are quiet a few social media networking sites that will assist you to make your website more popular, with the three main ones to date being Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
However before we continue I would like to make it very clear that many of these sites do not tolerate spam and you really need to be contributing quality information about your business or activities or your efforts will be nothing more than a waste of time.
Are These Sites Really A Worthwhile Tool For Business Owners
If you have your own online business, it is very important that you start blogging or submitting entries on a social networking site.
By doing this, you can promote your online business to thousands of individuals and other businesses that are also participating in social media networking sites. These sites also provide you with the means to have instant communication, and these sites are also free to join.
It is said that you can also improve your search engine placement by using these sites, due to their current popularity if people search for you when they’re using Yahoo or Google in order to find out more about a business that has the products that your company is selling and if you have placed bookmarks into these sites you business will get good exposure.
Should I Create Accounts On These Networking Sites
To take advantage of all the benefits with social media you really need to set up accounts with all three of the social networking sites we mentioned above, especially Facebook. Currently this is one of the fastest growing social networking websites in the world, so you’ll be able to attract clients outside of the United States, which is can be very useful for those that have international products associated with their online business.
When you post comments on your status, you should seriously consider adding a link to your company’s online business site, this way it will make it much easier for people to find. You can also use the ‘notes’ section on Facebook so that you can detail what exactly the functions and goals of your online business are.
It is also a very good strategy to include as many associates in the note as you can, so that potential partners and investors can learn more about your company and online business.
How Do I Get Followers Or Make Friends
After you create an account with these social media sites, you’ll need to start making some friends on each of these sites. One way that you can do this is by inviting your own friends and family to join the site, and then using that to connect to their mutual friends.
By following this strategy in the start-up stages it will help your network to grow will you are learning the etiquette of these sites, even still you are probably going to be very surprised at how many people you actually know that are already using these sites for business and pleasure.
If the members that you’ve sent friend requests to have their own businesses as well, it is likely that your request will be accepted much faster. An idea way to get your business happens out there is by posting about any business-related events that you’re going to be hosting or even free giveaways. You can invite people to attend the event, and can help you build an RSVP list for future events, so you’ll know how many people to prepare for.
This form of marketing actually works whether you have an online or offline business, especially if you have spent the time to build a good following in the networks.
Make sure you remain a regular participant when you’re using these social media sites. You really should be checking back a few times a day so that you can update your status and add more friends, and to keep your network updated about the professional progress you’re making. The key to everything online including these types of sites is to update and update often.
This form of website promotion with social media is very popular right now, however you will still need to be maintaining a long-term strategy to keep your traffic coming to your affiliate or online business sites.
The benefits of Facebook has been amazing for our business. I highly recommend fellow bloggers reading this article numerous times. MySpace appears to be dead for now for “mature” business purposes.
The only thing I would disagree with in your post is the family and friends recommendation. I suggest that you do not do any family on a business Facebook page.
Great post guys!
great post! The info is informative and I do agree that blogging can promote your online business to thousands of individuals and other businesses. Blogging is a great tool!..again thanks
Hi Guys thanks for the comments this is all very useful information for our readers… As I have been writing in my other posts that many of these social networks such as Myspace don’t last forever so you shouldn’t be building your marketing strategy solely around social networking sites.
I couldn’t agree more, social media is one of the most effective ways to market our websites and increase it’s popularity to other web users.
Yes I am not sure whether you have seen Matt Cutt’s talking about this in the latest video he released on the Farmer Update but two main ingredients for a successful website now is what you just said social media and the speed of your website.
And the most important thing after the update is having original content.