As an affiliate marketer you are constantly working on how to obtain more sales this is never ending and as the website visitor gets smarter the actual sale on the website gets harder.
So the real question is how much money are you leaving on the table?
The information you are about to read could be the difference between success and failure for you online. This is not a joke or a marketing ploy it is the truth and if you have found this site buy searching for how to increase sales on your web site then you know I am right.
How To Obtain More Sales Using A Referring Exit Page
So who am I and why would you listen to me, well that’s a decision you will have to make but what I will tell you is that I don’t go to work in the morning I don’t even have to get out of bed if I don’t want as I have created my own online affiliate business that is now running virtually on auto pilot every single day.
But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to help you in fact there is more than enough online for everyone that’s why I want to bring your attention to a guy named Dave Guindon and his latest software release called ExitSplash.
So what is ExitSplash, its a small and very powerful script that enables you to capture leads from your website and funnel them through to your sales pages or affiliate page. Using this script can potentially turn those non-buying visitors into very happy paying customers in only a few minutes even if they have tried to exit your site.
Whether you believe you have a great sales or landing page it is a known fact that 95 out of every 100 visitors will leave without ever doing a thing on your site.
Did you also know that statistically 60% percent of what you consider paying customers are not completing the transaction once they reach the payment page. What if I told you there is a much more effective way to secure that sale.
I have used Dave Guindon’s software in the past with his last one being Virtual Smart Agent which increased my sales by more than 200% and saved me many hours of time after much testing and using this ExitSplash script on my own websites I saw an increase of 187% in sales. Exit Splash is not hard to set up and it will squeeze every available dollar out of your existing traffic.
ExitSplash is not just for static HTML landing pages it can be used with your WordPress blog as well check out the video below to see how simple it really is.
Find Out How You Can Set Up Exit Splash On Your WordPress Blog
If you are looking for information on how to increase web sales then you need to check out this referring exit page script called “ExitSplash” from Dave Guindon
Pat says
Ahh that is pretty sweet. Thanks for sharing. awesome to look at a cool site about this stuff again and find out whats going on in the industry.