As an affiliate marketer you always need to be on the lookout for new and innovative ideas that can help boost your bottom line…
Especially if you are involved in PPC Advertising.
We all know that for many years PPC marketing has been promoted as the fastest way to get traffic to our affiliate sites or merchant sites.
Well what you might not know is that a lot of affiliate marketers and even merchants emptied their bank accounts doing PPC advertising for one simple reason, they were targeting the wrong keywords.
Most of these PPC marketers were under the impression that you simply had to choose the most popular keywords pay the required price for each click and the sales would role in, unfortunately for them this was not the case and it still is not today.
Oh and don’t worry I lost my shirt doing the exact same thing…
However if I would have adopted a more conservative approach and stopped using the broad keyword terms that the larger pay-per-click services were offering at a premium price and actually targeted less competitive keywords called “long tail keywords” then I might have seen some very different results.
Getting The Big Picture Of How The PPC Advertising Networks Really Work
If you have used any of the PPC advertising companies in the past you would already know that you bid on researched keywords, which you get from them. However what you might not have been aware of is these keywords are based upon the number of keyword searches throughout the search engines.
These keywords are more often than not very broad, generic keywords which may have a high traffic volume, but do not necessarily bring the conversions or sales you need.
Having To Manage Your Own PPC Advertising Account Can Be Very Time Consuming
It was totally up to you to be testing and modifying these keywords to try to increase your ROI (Return On Investment), or you could simply employ a qualified PPC Consultant to do this for you which was another additional cost you had to factor in to your PPC advertising budget.
In other words, Google and the other PPC advertising companies can provide keywords that are popular, but they don’t provide the real-time keywords that are getting the most clicks right now.
So What Other Alternatives Are There For PPC Advertising
Most of us are already aware of the three main players when it comes to PPC advertising being Google™, Yahoo and Bing as well as a few smaller ones, however recently arrived on the scene is a company called QueryAds which claims to have some unique ideas and ways of doing PPC marketing online which separates it from the other bigger players in the market.
So What Is QueryAds?
QueryAds is an online pay-per-click advertising platform that allows advertisers to bid on real-time search engine traffic provided by Google, Yahoo and Bing as well as some of the other major search engines.
QueryAds allows business owners who have active websites to join their advertising network, create advertising campaigns, and start bidding on relevant live search engine keywords from their own database which are relevant to their own online business, and which will then send targeted traffic back to their website.
QueryAds Utilizes Real-Time Keyword Traffic
What does this mean? It means you don’t just bid on keywords.
The keywords that QueryAds provides are from the keyword searches that actually bring visitors to the publisher sites. In doing this the advertisers do not receive keywords that were popular one month or even two months ago, they will actually get the keywords that are effective right now – Meaning Today!
After speaking with Roderick Coleman from this is what he had to say…
QueryAds function is to provide a unique pay-per-click platform that will deliver both quality and targeted traffic to advertisers’ websites in the least amount of time possible. Through their website, advertisers will bid on real-time search engine traffic provided by Google, Yahoo, Bing, and the other major search engines.
QueryAds will allow any online business owners who have active websites to join the network, create PPC advertising campaigns, and start bidding on live search engine keywords from their database that are relevant to their website, and which will send targeted traffic back to their website.
The I asked Roderick about the advertisers, do they still have to test and retest to get the best results, which at the end of the day still costs them money?
Roderick said that the learning curve for advertisers will be shortened through reducing the amount of time spent in the most time-consuming tasks in a pay-per-click advertising campaign, which is finding the low competing relevant keywords for ad campaigns through instinctive keyword research.
QueryAds plans on saving their PPC advertising customers time by automating this entire keyword research process.
So how will you be able to do this?
QueryAds unique, proprietary software removes the need for manual keyword research because it pulls real keyword search strings from publisher’s websites that are long-tailed, and provides the precise keywords that searchers are using in their search engine inquiries (searches).
In the pay-per-click advertising world, most successful advertisers focus on long tail keywords to maximize their websites ROI (Return On Investment).
The perfect scenario for both QueryAds and the advertisers of course would be to have a keyword database of millions of these undiscovered keywords. Which are being served onto totally relevant websites removing the fear of having your ads appearing on unrelated websites which could cost you money from people clicking on yours ads that have no interest in your product or service.
What Does QueryAds Consider To Be A Long Tail Keyword…
A long tail keyword is a specific phrase that relates directly to a person’s interested search topic. Lets use this as an example, a simple one or two-word keyword such as “affiliate marketing” will provide millions of results in the search engine pages around 42,000,000 to be exact.
However, a long tail keyword such as “How to become an Affiliate Marketer” is more of a specific long tail keyword phrase and will bring more targeted traffic to your site.
So What Is Our Final Conclusion?
After speaking with Roderick we were able to establish that QueryAds is about trying to save advertisers money and time by having a system in place that will actually have already chosen the most relevant keywords for their ad campaigns.
All that they will simply have to do is set up their campaign ads and then bid on their preferred relevant keywords. From what we have seen it seems to be suitable for the novice marketer as well as the most advanced online marketers.
You might also want to drop by at and find out if this can be a benefit to you and your marketing efforts.
If you have any thoughts or suggestions not just about QueryAds but any experiences you have had with PPC advertising we would really like to hear them and share them with our readers…
Nice post. Actually I I have never used QueryAds and it looks very interesting , I will try . Thanks for the information.
Hi Vee
Yes it is just an alternative for those that want to try something new and different.