Affiliate marketing using Pay Per Click Marketing or PPC advertising is a form of Internet advertising that is used on content sites (like blogs for example) as well as search engines and ad networks.
PPC Advertisers post ad content with various such web hosts and the host is paid only if and when their ad is clicked. The term “pay-per-click” literally means what it says: the advertiser pays each time a visitor clicks on the ad.
Understanding This Type Of Advertising
Websites using PPC ads will show an advertisement when a keyword query matches an advertiser’s keyword list or when a content site displays content that is relevant to the advertiser’s business.
PPC Advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market, but pay nothing to actually appear on the results page; they only pay the amount they have agreed to (or bid for) when someone actually clicks on their ad and is taken to the landing page on their website.
What Is The Most Popular Search Engine To Use
There are a wide variety of PPC advertising providers and as you are probably already aware the most popular choice for most affiliates starting out is Google AdWords.
The next most popular pay-per-click marketing services are Yahoo!, Bing and Ask. A typical PPC listing on a search engine results page is made up of a title, (generally a short heading of around 50 characters or less) and also a short (typically no more than 200 characters long) description of the client’s service(s) or some promotional wording, as well as a link to their website.
Most advertising search engines strictly control the type of text that can appear in the listing, and sometimes review content before approving it; others automatically approve ads that are submitted.
When putting together a PPC advertising campaign especially when it comes to affiliate marketing one must first determine the budget and risk level they are prepared to take. These will both help determine which PPC search engines you decide to deal with at the start.
While the larger search engines may entail less risk due to the fact that they already have large market coverage and are in a position to offer their users more assistance, they are also a lot more expensive.
Choosing The Right Keywords
The next process in setting up your pay-per-click marketing campaign is choosing the keywords you want to use to target the product you are promoting. There are a lot of free, independent tools available to help research keywords, and many will also be able to provide information on what the current bids for specific words or phrases on different search engines.
The costing for a keyword can range between 1 cent to a few dollars or more, depending on its popularity as a search term, meaning the amount of competing bids and of course the search engine itself. Obviously, when advertisers pay more they will appear higher on the search results pages.
After that, the headline that will appear on the search engines’ results page(s) must be composed, as well as a description of what the product is and/or other promotional copy.
Opening An Account
When opening an account you must be prepared to provide a real name, company name (if applicable), address, phone number, email address,and so on. More often than not, to open the account is free. No charges will apply until you have selected your search words, funded the account and then start receiving clicks.
There are many ways of funding your ad campaign. An account may be funded with a credit card for a set amount, and once this amount has been depleted, all advertising stops until you add more funds. Alternatively, you may set a monthly or daily spend limit where the ad will no longer appear once the specified amount is reached. You can even set a time of day that you would like the ads to appear this is how flexible this system is.
Generally, the initial deposit for a PPC advertising campaign varies between $25 and $50. Some search engines and even some hosting companies will even provide a small amount of money as a starter bonus. If you don’t want to work to hard with your affiliate marketing then maybe PPC Advertising is the track for you.
i am doing a report and i need a list of all the pay per click affiliate websites online that have a similarity to google adsense ; my teacher says there are thousands and I must provide him with every single one.Can you please help me find all of them; i would greatly appreciate it so much. Thank you in advance.
Hi Jamaal
We don’t specifically use any pay per click marketing as we are only interested in free search traffic but if we did it would only be the main three which is Google, Yahoo and MSN but you might be able to find more information about Pay Per Click Marketing here
Sorry I couldn’t be of more help Good luck with the report…
PPC can really help drive traffic to your website. This works well with me. However, you must analyze thoroughly the strategies before using it. Another way to drive traffic is offline advertising. This is one of the most overlooked ways to drive traffic to your website is offline advertising. For example, I’ve had great luck with postcards, display ads, classified ads and recently radio advertising, which I am finding very interesting for driving qualified leads to my business.
Hi Peter and Welcome…
Everything you have mentioned are useful tactics and maybe you would like to post some more information here about the different aspects of what you called offline advertising for our readers. As you have said it is very much overlooked by many people online, so I would really appreciate it if you could share some of your success with us all.