It is fun to write a blog especially if it is creating a passive income from your blog for doing something you like, it has become very popular with the stay at home moms.
In addition to unleashing your creative demons to the world, you can actually even get paid for doing so. However, it is easy to get carried away and lose track of your goals and the blogs objectives and make it all about the money.
Making Passive Income Means Maintaining Quality
It is important to remember that when you maintain quality, the money will follow. Hence, don’t lose sight of your long term gain in trying to make a quick buck today because your income will dry up tomorrow.
The fun part of the blog should always remain writing the articles not the creation of passive income. The moment you start writing only to create passive income, your quality will suffer and you will end up taking a beating for it, both, in terms of money as well as your readership.
It is the people who come to your blog that are responsible for you making money. Hence, it is your duty to keep them hooked and coming back for more.
Additionally, you need to keep your affiliate networks happy too. If your blog has passive income coming in directly from the advertisers, then you need to ensure that you are getting in the right kind of audience (targeted traffic) for their product or service which you are promoting on your blog.
This doesn’t mean that you bend your writing style to suit someone else as this can hurt your ability to earn passive income, but you can definitely try and make some amendments that will keep your advertisers happy.
This may include dropping their product names occasionally in the articles, but remember to keep it original. If you spruce up your articles with lots of commercial interests, it will lose its originality and look more like something a company might write up for their advertisements.
Earning Income With Your Blog Means Writing Frequently
Also, you should try to have your articles focused towards your readers and stay on topic. Maintain your frequency of publishing, at a minimum three new articles a week. If you go below the usual amount, your readers will sense that you have lost interest in writing for the blog.
On the other hand, if you publish more than you usually do, the over enthusiasm may be perceived as a tactic to lure in more readers. Also don’t be to hyped in your writing as this can also be seen as a way to generate more money from your readers, which they will see and it can hurt your efforts to create a passive income.
This is especially true if your articles are sub par and not up to the standard of your previous posts.
Writing a blog is about finding your balance and sticking to it. You should stop experimenting after a while and write only articles that are interesting for you to write as well as for those who are reading it. Don’t overdo anything and at the same time, stick to your basics and you should be fine.
If you find that you need more work then there are plenty of websites available that are specifically designed for writers such as need-an-article. Many of these freelance writing services allow you to either bid on projects or submit a resume for further review.
The more you write the better chance you have at getting more work. This is why an online portfolio is so important. If you can show someone your previous work they will be more inclined to hire you to blog for them. During slow times, keep your head up high and stay committed to the cause in front of you.
If you have done everything right then the passive income should follow.
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