I came across a really interesting post about how thousands of adwords accounts had been stopped by Google in the last week or so… not that this really interested me as I am more into free search engine traffic rather than Google Adwords.
However the title of the post is How to STILL use Google to make money and it has a very interesting video that you all need to check out about how to still use Google to make money.
When first arriving at the site my first impression was “What’s This Guy Selling” but I was really amazed to find that in the video Amish actually shows you all the tactics he is using to make 5 million plus a year or if you want to break it down to daily it is $14,121.97 a day, this is averaged out over a year.
And I mean everything from the websites including the URL address to inside his adwords account where you can even see the keywords that he is bidding on to make this amount of money online with CPA marketing.
But before you race off to check out the How to Still use Google to make money website my estimates and I might be wrong is that Amish is outlaying around 3 million a year in pay per click marketing costs to accomplish this.
So the bottom line is this check out the video on How to STILL use Google to make money see what you think read the comments on the site and see what others are saying about this Magic Bullet System. And in case you are wondering this is of course a teaser for some form of product release in the future which Amish openly states on the site.
This is something you really need to take a look at and that many of you would be interested in seeing for yourselves.
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