As we all know fine wine pairs well with cheese, it’s also the same in the case of social media and marketing. They can work well together. When strategically placed, they can make a significant impact on your business or campaigns.
Now, social sharing is known for being the crux of various content initiatives. Facebook and LinkedIn rank at the top of the chart. Similarly, Instagram is also becoming the choice for marketing.
In case you think that the overly-hashtagged and image-heavy platform has marketing utility, then you must start looking for a separate filter. For the starters, Instagram’s has around 500 millions of users who are active, while the 300 million logging in every day. Moreover, for the marketers, missing the engaging eyeballs is nothing more than a severe loss.
What Is The Key To Successful Marketing?
The key to marketing success is just delivering value to your audience on their proffered channel. There is no doubt that brands nowadays are looking for various ways continually to attract or get followers. As per the reports, in 2017 Instagram has become such a popular marketing platform that many people prefer this platform over Twitter. In fact, I can say that if anyone does not find a preferable choice for marketing initiatives, then it is just madness.
Email Marketing
You must have heard about email marketing. About 205 billion emails infiltrate peoples inbox’s on a daily basis and getting the click means a brand has to stand apart in the crowd. Many marketers today act smart enough to integrate their email marketing and social marketing strategies as a part of the customer-centric and omnichannel approach.
Also, it works as well!
As per the latest reports of the HubSpot, Instagram delivers around 58 times better customer engagement as compared to the Facebook as well as generates more than those tweets, like 120 times more.
Many emails feature the button links to the social media pages for companies and organisations, but I would say that incorporating a live feed can be more efficient. With a little bit of customisation and tweaks of few HTML codes, the IT team can quickly accomplish the task, and the engagement boost can be seen in a few days. The use of Gramista can help e-marketers to get more followers as well as likes on their Instagram account.
Advantages Of Adding A Social Feed To Mail Campaign Templates
Apart from just making the mails more stimulating visually, there is some other benefit of adding a social feed to the mail campaign templates. The content gets updated in the real-time automatically. This can save the resources and time of the marketing department as well. It also guarantees that you are delivering relevant and fresh content.
This is essential for a B3B brand just as it is for the B2C brand.
In fact, I would suggest going ahead and not just stopping with the live feed. You can use the Instagram popularity to showcase your brand and expanding your reach. This platform is just the best way to engage new followers. From the human side approach of your company consists of sales pitch and message or something more.
However, there is no doubt that the reach is limited. With this Instagram platform, you cannot get unlimited followers but also the chance to communicate the value of your brand to the targeted group. You can encourage email sign-ups, interaction, and hold giveaway contests.
Instagram For B2B Marketing
Many people think that for the B2B marketing, Instagram is not the preferred platform. However, it is entirely wrong. You can come across many B2B brands that are leveraging Instagram and enjoying high-end success. If you have recently started using Instagram or planning to do so, then there are some strategies which can help you. The basics include posting of quality images, use of quality contents, live feeds, and perfect technique.
Always remember, the method which works for a particular company may prove to be a complete failure for you. So, it’s still better to take expert advice and make use of techniques which are better as per your product/services or brand.
I would love to hear what works for you. Share your views and story in the comment section.
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