With online business, publishing your very own e-zine can reap many benefits for you, but first you need to understand what ezine marketing is.
With its low start-up costs and time factor added into it, there is no reason why you shouldn’t have one.
To get started with your ezine marketing, you only need a few things to get set up and as an affiliate marketer or even business owner, this is one of the key elements that can help to contribute to your internet success.
Below are what you need in detail to get stated with your E-zine marketing.
So What Is An Ezine
An ezine is an electronic magazine that you can have up like a website or sent out via email like a newsletter. The newsletter style is a better option so that you can gain a mailing list of actual prospects interested in your business.
To get set up and start distributing your e-zine through email, you need to get set up with an auto-responder account so that the e-zine is distributed in a timely manner and followers can choose to opt out if they want to at any point during the mailings.
Finding The Right Auto Responder Service
If you do a search on auto-responders, you’ll find that there are many that you can choose from, however some of these are free services where they place a link to their website on the actual mail out if you go with them.
There are other paid options if you choose not to go with free autorepsonders with the two most favored being Getresponse and Aweber, we use Aweber to do all of our mailings.
You will also find with the paid services that they also offer many different designs for your opt-in form as well as email e-zine templates that you can use in all of your mailings which are customizable and give your business a professional appearance.
Make sure you do your research and find out which auto-responders run with no glitches and are easy for you to use. After all having a system in place that you can not use or understand is the same as having no system at all.
We initially started our online e-zine marketing using a program called Mailloop which we purchased from the Internet Marketing Center, but after getting just over 1000 subscribers the database became very slow and hard to manage to the extent of crashing constantly and not being able to send out any emails at all this is when we decided to use Aweber as our auto-responder service.
You Need A Good Internet Connection If..
Of course, if you have an online business, you will have to have internet connection. If you’re going to start distributing an e-zine as part of your marketing strategy, you should have a very reliable ISP to get your marketing material out on time. There are so many local internet connections that fail due to a change of weather and just generally have downtime.
Because this is your affiliate business, always opt for the best internet service you can get even if it’s just a few extra dollars more for monthly fees. Find out what local customers say about your local internet providers. If you want to avoid such problems then it is a very sound idea to use one of the paid services above to handle all of your marketing needs.
Most local internet providers even offer a trial basis where you can get set up for a month just to find out if they run smoothly or not. You also want to make sure that they have a 24 hour technical help line with a live person in case you run into issues.
There are those internet providers that only have an automated message for you to check out technical answers online. That’s not going to work out if your internet is down.
Finding Good Ideas
Your ideas will run your ezine and to make it successful, it should be something that your subscribers want to follow which is usually information on your niche market. Your ezine should be information that they cannot obtain anywhere else on the internet.
For example, if you have a general ezine on making money with your blog, subscribers can easily Google that and find thousands of articles on it so you need to give them something that helps them a little more.
Capture a niche topic on your ezine which has proven to be more successful than anything in general, meaning drill down into your niche and become more specific rather than just very general.
Make sure you know your niche well. You want to appear to be the expert behind this ezine and this is why your subscribers are following you. Your e-zine marketing strategy should have the best tips and tricks in your topic of choice.
You are not only advertising your business but yourself as the writer behind it. An ezine will gain a good relationship between you and your potential customers.
This is the first post in a series on e-zine marketing that we will be publishing so you might want to subscribe to our site feed to stay in the loop or even simply follow us on twitter to get all the information about ezine marketing.
I know that aweber has a trail offer for the first month it’s only $1 dollar. E-zines are great and you are totally right that you need to drill down and find topics that are exciting but are niche related have a great e-zine. The hardest part is to keep people interested so it’s always good to stay on top of your niches news for idea at all time. Great Post I’ve already went ahead and bookmarked it.! Thanks!
Hi Dave
We use Aweber but I also believe that Getresponse is just as good, I suppose it comes down to what you are comfortable with at the end of the day and yes sometimes costs can come into the equation as well.
It is really amazing how many websites you see that do not offer any form of opt-in for their visitors and then get so frustrated that they buy some email list that is usually not related to their niche and expect to make money. The auto-responder services I mentioned both make it very easy to add a opt-in forms to your site so if you are serious about your online business then you need to be doing this.
And yes Dave you need to be constantly creating mail outs that are helpful to your subscribers and don’t do what a lot of so called Affilliate Super Stars do and constantly flood your in-box with product offers. Its ok to send this stuff out but only when you have earned the trust of your subscribers and even then don’t do it to regularly or you will lose them.
Is there a special program or host you can use for an online magazine? I want to set one up but I don’t really know if I should just do the layout myself or if there is kind of template you can download which will help you insert content a lot more easily.