There is a raging debate going on right now that many of you probably are not aware of, it’s about whether or not you should DoFollow Blogs or Nofollow the comments and links in your blogs.
But before we get into this do you really know what the difference is when people talk about Nofollow and Dofollow…
So what is a Nofollow link?
It is an attribute rel=”nofollow” given to a link that instructs some search engines, and you will notice how I said “some search engines” not all, to not pass on what is called page rank to another site or influence the search index in any way.
This does not mean that it is not counted as a link back to the commentators site.
Why was this ever implemented?
Well the reason for this is to make an attempt to stop or discourage the rampant search engine spam that is constantly taking place online and has been for many years.
Another reason this was implemented was to help Google™ identify paid links which if you have read their TOS you will know that they highly recommend using the NoFollow attribute in any paid links.
Does this include any affiliate links we are not sure and have not really looked into it, but we definitely use Nofollow in all affiliate links on this site just as a precaution.
Another use that this has been used for is what is called Page Sculpting where the SEO consultant or sites webmaster can use this attribute to actually control the amount of page rank that is sent to certain pages of their site.This attribute was never intended for this use but is used widely today.
OK, so what is Dofollow? It is the exact opposite to everything you have read above where a link is placed onto a site or in a comment without the Nofollow attribute this allows the flow of page rank and indexing in the search engines.
So now that you understand a little more about Nofollow and DoFollow links lets hear what Matt Cutts from Google™ has to say about this…
Why We Still Remain One Of The Many Dofollow Blogs
We are strong believers in rewarding our visitors for adding “Quality Content” to our site which is what we honestly believe blogging is all about right, interaction with others. This is not unlike what many marketers are already talking about in writing high quality articles and placing them on other relevant blogs or websites.
You will see a lot of different blogs online that have guest commentators and they are adding content to another site and in return they get a back link for their efforts which is usually a Dofollow link.
And now before you start screaming at me, yes Matt did say that the comment link does do have as much link power as one with-in an actual post that is very correct mainly due to the fact that they are looking at protecting you.
However there are many people online today that truly would like to contribute to a discussion but do not have the ability to spend hours writing their own article or even know where to start the process.
What we have found is that many read your article and then add a few paragraphs whether this is asking questions or adding more value to the written article that was posted so for that we will reward you with a Dofollow blog link…
However for those that believe they can take advantage of this on our site you might want to read this from our Anti-Spam Policy
We also consider spamming to constitute posting advertisements in any of your blog comments and as a result they will be removed immediately. Each and every blog comment is reviewed before being approved and this includes any links that may or may not be associated to that posted comment.
If we find the comment to be useful to our visitors but the URL is related to anything such as Gambling, Adult, Warez or anything that may be offensive the comment may remain without the URL in place.
All we are really asking is that you add value not links…
So as you can see even we are not immune from the many spammers and scammers online today, but I also make it my business to answer every post that is made on our posts and also follow every link in those comments.
Yes it can be time-consuming and very annoying but at the end of the day it is well worth the benefit of networking with like-minded people in our industry that are contributing quality to our site for a simple link back to theirs. We really do not have a problem with this.
But People Only Comment For The Back Link On Dofollow Blogs
Yes I have heard this time and again and yes it is true, but to get the link they need to provide relevant content and a relevant link that is valuable to our readers and relevant to the post. If anyone posts a comment on our site that is like “Great info” it is gone with in seconds I then simply add them to my spam blacklist and forget about them.
So Should You Or Shouldn’t You Use The “NoFollow” Attribute
At the end of the day it is totally up to you, I know many of you are now turning off the Dofollow options you once had in your blogs saying that the spam is to great, this was also the case for many of the social networking sites as well and some are doing simply to sculpt page rank.
And some are doing this after many years of having a Dofollow blog with thousands of comments which have also most likely been promoted heavily in Twitter and other social media by the commentators due to the link being the post.
So for us if we like your comment and it adds value to the posted article you will be rewarded with a link back to your site with CommentLuv and KeywordLuv plugins that we use.
And for those that actively participate in an ongoing conversion on this blog they are invited to place a link within the post of that page which in effect is getting a more valuable link from within our site.
One of the latest sites to make the decision to close off his DoFollow comments was Keith at Hot Blog Tips Removing DoFollow From This Site make sure you read his post to understand why he made this decision.
The spammers and scammers who are causing this to happen are no better than low life scum bags who are infecting the internet for their own personal gain… Don’t Let Them Win! Stay The Course And Encourage People To Supply Good Content…After All Isn’t This Want The Internet Is All About!
These are just our thoughts on the Nofollow, Dofollow Blog debate we would really like to hear what you have to say….
Did I just read that correctly? Are you calling my site a terrorist site because I removed do-follow? Please explain…..
.-= Keith´s last blog ..Why Did I Unfollow Everyone on Twitter? =-.
No Keith you have read that very wrong what I am saying is that the reason that sites like yours are having to resort to this is because Google™ is trying to protect us from the terrorists which are the spammers and scammers that are constantly hitting our blog posts for links.
Sorry Keith it did read a bit like that here is the correction… What I actually wanted to say is that another great site has closed its dofollow down due to the fact that there is so many scammers and spammers out there making it hard for us all including Google™.
So please except my apologies for any mis-understanding and the post has been corrected. I have also sent you an email with a personal apology.
Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate the mention, I hope everyone understands, my decision is based more on the statement in the video about how the links in my comments water down all the rest on my links pointing out to other sites, where I may actually be trying to pass some juice to a colleague. With anywhere from 20-60 comments on my posts, and 3 links in each one (I allow twitter links too) it means that the links I may use in my actual post don’t really have any value.
I don’t make these “rules”, but I do want my links out to sites that I support in my posts to have the most value. I would prefer that comments remain just that, comments. Not links. It doesn’t mean that I don’t value the ones that do comment, because I have discovered some great blogs this way, and have built relationships I hope will continue for years to come. Through these connections I made, I try to link out to several of them in my articles every week when something I am writing about is relevant to what they have written about.
Thanks again for the clarification, and I appreciate your quick response.
.-= Keith´s last blog ..Removing DoFollow From This Site =-.
I totally understand your decision and respect it after all it is your business and you have to look after it the best way you can and with of course what suits your business model.
I have done some research into where links are located on a page and discovered that the higher up the page a link is placed the more power it is given… This is another thing I think Matt might have been sort of hinting at when it comes to comments in posts but who really knows. In my research however and if you look at ezinearticles for an example you can not place a link in your article text unless it is in the last paragraph and even then they will nofollow it.
You only get a dofollow link from ezinearticles from the bio box which is at the very bottom and as far as I can figure has the least benefit to you… This is just something I looked into some months back as I am a passionate article marketer as well.
I understand and even appreciate the passion but the term ‘terrorist’ is very inappropriate. I realize you weren’t calling Keith a terrorist but to say blog spammers that comment garbage for a do-follow back link are terrorists is like saying someone talking to a girl is a rapist. It’s a very unfortunate choice of words. Spammers are low life scum for sure but that’s certainly not the definition for terrorist. Other than that I like your blog so far.
Hi Brian
Yes you are probably right about using such a strong word but what else is it when peoples actions are determined by a small group of people that are really doing the wrong thing by everyone. This has been happening for a very long time and will probably continue to happen for long after I have gone.
And if you listen to “why” on the video then it has all been said and done to “protect us”. Brian another even more unfortunate thing is the fact that many people doing this don’t know any better or that they are even doing the wrong thing because they have read about doing this in the many forums or blogs online without a complete explanation or understanding.
You’re right Ron, some don’t even know they are spamming because they paid some low life website to generate backlinks and didn’t realize that comment spam software was going to be used.
.-= Brian D. Hawkins´s last blog ..Connect With Me – Leave Your Links =-.
Yes Brian it is an ongoing practice in some countries where people are actually paid money to browse the internet and post comments on blogs for a fee. I have heard that it’s about 5 cents a comment with link.
And of course that automated comment spam, which I have one blog that seems to attract a lot of that type of comment spam and it is a nofollow blog with out CommentLuv or KeywordLuv being used so go figure that one, considering I don’t have time to work on it so it is just sitting their dormant for now.
Hey Brain just tweeted your last post… Connect With Me! its amazing what a healthy conversation can lead to…
How do you rage on about quality content being the supreme goal of blogging in an article that is filled with poor grammar like run on sentences and typos?
I was a strong proponent of the dofollow movement for a long time, but I have become convinced that we have focused on a false sense of building community rather than on improving our writing and connecting with people in ways that actually matter. If you’re only connecting with me because you want my dofollow link, then you aren’t really connecting with me. If you’re connecting with me because you want to engage me in conversation around serious topics then I’m all for it.
You are essentially paying people to comment on your blog. You might not think that you are, but you are. You’re telling people that if they comment you will reward them.
Those who are connecting with you because they value you won’t care what kind of link or incentive you provide. Those who care only about the link will be gone as soon as you stop. Why do you want to talk to someone who you have to pay to talk to you?
.-= Nicholas Cardot@how to blog´s last blog ..It’s Time to Start Leading Your Community =-.
Hi Nick, thanks for dropping by and posting…
I will try to do better with the spelling next time Nick, thanks for pointing it out… And I applaud you for making that decision to close off your dofollow Nick, you have to make choices that are right for your own business model and nobody has the right to tell you otherwise.
Yes you could be right, because paying and rewarding are really the same thing, but that is the way that I have decided to go. And you will also see that I do have commentators that comment without ever leaving their URL and again that is their decision to do so, and if they do leave their URL, then I was glad I could help give them a little exposure.
I have connected with some really great people online through their blog comments. Whether it was due to having a dofollow blog is irrelevant to me; they are good people. Which has also lead to them being invited to guest post on our site just like on yours…
And I can also understand your point of view about people commenting just for a dofollow link which shows their lack of understanding and knowledge about what it is they are trying to achieve.
Again that is their decision to make and also my decision to except the comment or not as you have probably already read in my poorly written post.
Hey Nick you have a very good blog by the way…
Everyone who knows me including AffiliateX (owner of this blog) is aware that I am one of the major proponents of the DoFollow CommentLuv KeywordLuv community.
I welcome these new debates that raise visibility on this issue and allow bloggers to hear the pros and cons presented by both proponents and opponents of do follow. The post I’ve shared in CommentLuv contains much more information on this issue and I am happy to answer any questions anyone has.
Deciding where you stand on this issue determines the blogging circles you participate in and who visits and comments in your blog. I encourage all bloggers to first understand and then select the choice that matches their blogging style and life choices.
.-= Gail @ Do Follow Lists´s last blog ..KeywordLuv: How Using It Benefits Us All =-.
Hi Gail
Thanks for dropping by…
I would have to say your KeywordLuv page is very impressive indeed and for anyone thinking about the dofollow – nofollow debate please take the time to visit this page to get a much more in-depth understanding about this topic..
This is an interesting debate.
I think that even though some people do only comment to get a link – what is the harm? As long as they take the time to read the post and add something to the discussion it is a win win situation.
I think it just makes for a nice community myself.
Hi Olly and welcome to our site..
I would definitely agree with you on this, it is a win win situation for everyone. Especially the part about a nice community where you can actually help another site out by giving them some exposure online. And all the they have to do is join in the discussion and have some fun.
Hi Sally
Yes it is our belief to be honest and open about anything posted onto our blog whether that is good or bad… And every one is invited to add their own opinions to any topic we write about..
This is the best way online to learn through open and free conversation and we find that having a dofollow blog helps to make this happen.
Thank you so much for having a positive outlook at comments on your website. Too many bloggers spend too much time trying to funnel their comments into saying what they want them to say or deleting them into spammy neverland. True there is a lot of junk out there coming in, akismet catches most of it pretty good for me, but encourage converation and real readers will come and post real comments.
I have found the no follow/do follow debate confusing…a bit like “stand still and hurry up”…which is really the best way to go I’ll have to keep trialling for myself as I have only just learnt WP blogging. I thought Akismet was taking care of all that and all I had to do was go in there periodically and clear out the spam? Can you please tell me what else I need/ should be doing?
Thanks for an interesting and informative post.
Hi Jan… and welcome
Yes this debate can get very heated when bloggers talk about nofollow/dofollow. Yes you are also correct about Askimet, however this program really only stops automated posts. You actually have people that will post to blogs for third parties at a cost.
My personal view on the dofollow/nofollow debate is to go for dofollow however I am very strict on what can and can’t be placed with in comments on this blog. I know other bloggers that allow all comments to be placed with links, and I also know some who nofollow everything.
So you see Jan it is really a matter of choice when it comes to this and I simply believe if you are prepared to place a good quality comment and add to an ongoing discussion you can have a link. And on the other hand if you are just posting for the link and not contributing at all then I simply remove your comment meaning you have just wasted you time.
I also use a word press plugin for my blog called WP_SpamFree which allows me to add users that abuse this blog to a blacklist which works very well.
Thank you AffiliateX for the welcome and pointer to WP_Spamfree I may need to use it one day but will now add it into my folder list of desirable plugins. There are so many plugins ‘out there’ and some are easier to use than others; and some just sound so confusing until one knows and understands WP properly to really know what one should be using and then to know what is available if and when something else is needed.
I guess as with all things, experience is hard to beat so that is another reason why I appreciate people like yourself and blogs that are actually very helpful.
Thank you 🙂
I have another question please? I am having trouble inserting images into my blogs and was wondering what is the best way / plugin to use to do that?
One plugin that I have found for adding in Monetisation / Adsense and other stuff is called WP_insert. I really like that plugin as it does the privacy pages too and is easy to use. Not knowing HTML is a real drawback I’m finding.
Hi Jan…
Inserting images is not a difficult thing to do if you have the more advanced image editing Wp plugin it called TinyMCE Advanced which you can get from here TinyMCE Advanced.
It has many additional functions that you can use in the editing of your WordPress posts. As for placing images you simply place your cursor where you want the image to go and use the insert image button to place it.
Hi AffiliateX
Once again, thank you. I have now downloaded the plugin and will start to use it later today or tomorrow at the latest 🙂
Kind Regards,
In your post you say you reward commentors for good content, there were a lot of great comments on this post, now they are gone?
.-= Keith@ Blog Tips´s last blog ..Blog Tip: Secret To Success =-.
Hi Keith
Thanks for pointing this out I updated my widgets and theme files which caused a change in my settings for the blog… Where it was placing comments onto a different page.
All the comments are now back where they should be.
It’s been awhile since I’ve heard about this do follow and no follow blogs. I’ve always thought it was rubbish not until I’ve started figuring out what this info’s are really about and how can it possibly help in increasing traffic.
I agree to the point written here.. it’s essential to at least give thanks to the posters or commenter’s specially those of genuine ones. And Also the more you provide good content for each blog the more people will likely be coming back and linking back to you.
So thanks for do follow and no follow set up, it helps a lot in filtering real and bogus ones.
Search Engine Optimization Australia
Yes this is a very hotly debated topic with many people having different opinions on the matter.
Some webmasters allow their blogs to be “do follow” until they have then received enough content to then switch to “No Follow”, others are sick of all the spam they receive so stop doing “Do Follow”, and then you have others who are only concerned with the page rank of their sites and believe that they are losing out with PR by allowing Do Follow comments… Which by the way has no real impact on the position of your site in the serps.
At the end of the day Hazel if you are comfortable with giving your readers links for quality content being posted then go for it…
Search engines expect to see a balance of “no follow” and “follow” links to your site. What are the exact proportions can be debated, but it is clear that one should not try to get all the links to your site as a “follow.”
Hi and thanks for your thoughts on this…
The best way to understand what is happening with “Nofollow” is to read this article from Matt Cutts – PageRank Sculpting