Internet social networking is something that has taken off in recent years. Since the advent of the internet just a few decades ago, various incarnations of virtual social interaction have come to pass and some of them have survived the test of time and the internet evolution.
These days it’s hard to find people that don’t belong to some kind of internet social network, and when those few people are found they are often pressured into joining by old and new friends.
Understanding The Social Networking Sites
The purpose of most of these types of networks is to allow individuals and groups to keep in touch and track the daily lives of each other.
To do this, users are allowed to share anything from small pieces of personal information such as who they are dating and where they are studying, to things like photographs and videos that clearly document the big and small events that they partake in.
By keeping things at the status quo on the social networking sites, which is to say keeping things in these networking sites in line with nothing more than their intended purposes, the result is a micro society of friends that is more open than ever before. Whereas past generations would have lost touch with what more distant friends were doing, the current generation is able to follow along with great ease. For many this is a wonderful gift of a wonderful technology.
Make Sure You Think Before Posting To These Social Networking Sites
What many people don’t consider is the dangers that social networking introduces to their lives. People that don’t put much thought into what kind of content they place on the networks can easily make themselves vulnerable to all sorts of threats. Some of these threats are minor, of course, but some can be incredibly severe.
Don’t Be To Open With Your Personal Details
The reason for this is that social networks and people’s extreme willingness to take part in them have created a way for criminals to access information that used to be very hard to come by. Those who know how and where to look, and those who know what to look for, can learn things about people who they have never met and take advantage of that information to commit crimes.
In essence, what is being talked about here is a very streamlined and overly efficient method of stalking. The kinds of things that would have once been learned through days or weeks of spying, eavesdropping and prying can now be learned by purposefully or accidentally stumbling upon a social networking page.
What You Should Not Be Posting On Social Networking Sites
These things include a person’s social habits, their work life, where they live and what kinds of things they own. It can also include things to do with who someone’s friends are and what their schedule will be like in any given day.
Obviously this makes life easy for someone who has the intention to steal from someone’s home, but it also gives a helping hand to other sorts of online predators and social deviants. More and more the news is reporting about crimes as violent as murder that can be traced back to the information placed on a given networking site.
Remain Diligent With Your Activities And You Should Stay Safe
What should be taken from this is not that social networks should be avoided, but that people need to take caution when using them this also goes for those that are in the online marketing business such as affiliates. Allowing too much specific personal information to be posted online can be an invitation to criminals, I think it goes without saying that these sorts of things need to be avoided at all cost to get the full benefit and enjoyment from social networking sites.
I don’t understand why these social networks ask from private informations. Like date of birth, where you live etc. Many of the users lie anyway when it comes to this kind of information. In my opinion, having an email to validate the account is more than enough.Cloud Computing Security
Yes I am with you Callahan
I don’t see the need for the social networks to be asking for so much personal information, especially when it has been shown in the past that it can be accessed very easily. Yes eamil should be enough to valid any account you have with a social network site.
Social networking is definitely at its pick nowadays, most of the people I know are a member of a social media, it could either be Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Linkedin and many more. Surely this social websites were designed for the greater good of humanity, but unfortunately some people tend to use this sites to hunt for their next victims. Hope many people will managed to read your post. It sure is a great guide to orient people about the dangers of social media if not used properly.
Hi Richard…
Yes there are two many people blindly revealing every aspect of the lives online. And as you have said these people have good intentions and want to genuinely use the social networking service to build relationships with others, however there is always those that want to abuse these peoples trust.