Are you working as an affiliate marketer, do you know how important it is to use all the affiliate marketing statistics to improve your campaigns and profits.
Affiliate marketing is all about creating money online right?
And being able to do this from the comfort of your own home and in your own time is even a bigger bonus. Unfortunately there are individuals who are unaware of the real business tools that are needed when it comes to affiliate marketing.
You really have to get your marketing statistics right or you will not know what is working right for you and what is hurting your business.
There are many tools available today that can help you track and analyze every aspect of your online visitors,sales, rankings, such as Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools or even Matt Callen’s new program called VisitorSpy which is currently free to download and tracks every click your visitor makes on your site.
But Why Do Your Need To Track Your Affiliate Marketing Statistics
Here is what you need to understand about affiliate marketing statistics first. It is the data that’s collected from the activities carried out in your various marketing efforts including your visitors. Having an eye on this type of information will give you an idea about where your profits are and what you need to be doing to increase revenue or give your customers more information from the statistics you have uncovered.
So What Exactly Will I Get When Using Marketing Statistics Software?
You will be provided with such things as, the number of visitors that enter the website or website traffic as well as what keywords can be identified by this. If you are using Google Analytics you can also see where you are ranking for keywords what countries they come from how long visitors stay on your site and much more.
In addition to this you can also see the conversion rates and the click-through-rate that’s used for marketing articles can be obtained as a result of affiliate marketing statistics.
You even have the ability to set goals for your site, what does this mean let me explain maybe you are running some form of promotion on your site and you need to know how many people actually follow the promotion path to get to the end product which once there means you have completed a goal. This is another very important function that is available in Google Analytics.
So What Are The Best Affiliate Marketing Statistics Programs
The choice that you will need to make is whether or not you want manually or automatically generated affiliate marketing statistics. For many however and due to time constraints the latter is preferred because having to do manual work requires some learning and the results may not always be completely accurate for your efforts.
It is probably a good idea and especially if you are new to the industry of marketing in general to use some form of recognized tracking software in getting your affiliate marketing statistics? This will give you the results you need as well as help you identify where your strengths and weaknesses are in your online business.
Another such software that allows you to track advertisement clicks is called Max Banner Ads there is a free version and also a Pro Version that you need to pay for. What this software does is track clicks form any advertisements such as Adsense, banner advertisements and so on that you have placed on your site so that you can see how effective you on site promotions are.
You can also get another program called Affiliate Ninja that is designed specifically for affiliates where you can create any link on your site as an affiliate link using a keyword of your choose you can also decide how many links page page are marked as an affiliate link. All of this is again tracked for you with-in the program.
Some affiliates also use various tracking software to gather affiliate marketing statistics with regard to their pay per click (PPC) marketing campaigns. Using such methods usually help them in identifying which keywords grab the attention of potential customers and which keywords need a change or simply don’t make sales.
Of course there are many other Affiliate marketing statistics that are represented by other affiliate programs and affiliate networks which will also provide the affiliate marketer with the ability to choose the types of products and services that they want to promote with there business.
For instance, many of the major affiliate networks such as Clickbank use this methodology so as to help out there affiliates for the promotion of products such as the amount of page (hops) views you received before a sale occurred.
AffiliateX says
Hi Anthony
It is amazing how many people don’t understand this and it is so easily done with the many free tools online such as Google analytics and the webmaster tools. And you even have an analytics function in Clickbank that you can use to see how many hops it is taking you to make a sale.
Anthony Mitchell says
Keeping track of affiliate marketing statistics is important for every marketers. It is how they can analyze the what went wrong and how they can improve further their affiliate marketing strategies.
Saventa says
I agree that you should keep track of you site but, google analytics only picks up half of your traffic (the ones who has Java enabled). I would suggest using the product that come with Cpanel if you have it.
.-= Saventa@Affiliate Marketing´s last blog ..Resell Rights – Make Money In The PLR Business =-.
AffiliateX says
Yes Saventa
You are correct you need to use the stat counters that are in the cpanel of your hosting company, this will give you a much more accurate account of what is happening with your website visitors. Google analytic is okay for tracking such things a promotions that you are conducting or split testing on pages.
I use it to track promotions only and even then as you have said only some of the traffic gets tracked due to Java issues. I have also on occassion used another service which is free called Statcounter.
John Terrence says
I have used several stats packages and in the end I do think google is the best. I really don’t like the ides that google knows what I am doing though.
AffiliateX says
Hi John.
I can tell you that you are not alone there it is like inviting big brother into your home by using them but as you have said it can be very helpful. For me however I just sick to using my stats in the cpanel of my hosting account and if I really need to know something I then set up goals in Google Analytics.
Tara says
Interesting, i knew about analytics but to be honest that’s about as far as i’d got with it and even then i don’t think i’m really using it to its full potential. Though i will certainly be taking a closer look at the other software/plugins you suggest, after all any improvement is good!
AffiliateX says
Hi Tara…
Yes there are many different tools available to make your life much easier when analyzing your stats. Some are better than others and of course there are paid and free programs as well. You just need to find and use what you are comfortable with.