If you are managing a blog, you have more monetization methods available than just posting ads on your site. You can also include affiliate marketing links. What you will be doing is posting reviews, tutorials and informational blog posts, with a link to a digital or physical product, using your own affiliate link.
How To Protect Your Affiliate Commissions
What ever you choose to do to protect your affiliate commissions make sure it is suitable for your needs, and remember that many of the redirect options that you might come across online have been used to fool the search engines in the past.
How To Cloak Affiliate Links With WordPress
The first and foremost benefit for me when cloaking affiliate links is that the URL looks much more pleasing to the eye.
Then you have those that say there is a very positive SEO benefit to having a much cleaner URL rather than some the affiliate links which are generated, and I would have to agree with that also.
Affiliate Marketing Tips For Online Success
Lastly, it's important to remember to BE PATIENT. Your Affiliate marketing revenue if researched correctly will grow and build up overtime time. Depending on which market you have chosen such as internet marketing or computer security some of these programs offer monthly commissions for the life of the customer. If you refer a customer, it may be possible to continue making money from that one customer even if he or she never returns to your affiliate site again.
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